Check using Tekla Tedds

Tekla Structural Designer
Modified: 11 Jun 2024
Tekla Structural Designer

Check using Tekla Tedds

The following options for checking in Tekla Tedds are available:

  • Check using Tekla Tedds> Model
  • Check using Tekla Tedds> Member
  • Check using Tekla Tedds> Group
  • Check using Tekla Tedds> Selection
  • Check using Tekla Tedds> Substructure
  • Check using Tekla Tedds> <Substructure name>
Note: For timber members and precast members, each of the above Check in Tedds options only become active after Design using Tekla Tedds has been performed.

Where to find each check option

Check using Tekla Tedds> Model
  • in the Groups Tree, right-click on Groups, Design, or Detailing
Check using Tekla Tedds> Member
  • right-click on a highlighted precast or timber member which has already been designed
Check using Tekla Tedds> Group
  • right-click on a highlighted precast or timber member for which group design is active (provided that there is more than one member in the group to which the highlighted member belongs , and the group has already been designed)
Check using Tekla Tedds> Selection
  • right-click on a selection of one or more precast or timber members or masonry walls.

Check using Tekla Tedds> Substructure
  • in the Structure Tree, right-click on a specific timber member type or precast member type which have already been designed, or masonry wall

Check using Tekla Tedds> <Substructure name>
  • right-click on a sub structure containing precast or timber members which have already been designed, or masonry walls

Understanding each of the check options

Command Description

Check in Tedds (from the Design tab), or

Check using Tekla Tedds > Model

Launches Tekla Tedds within the background (the user is not exposed to the interface) and checks all masonry walls and all those members in the model where a linked Tekla Tedds calculation has been created.

  • For masonry walls this command runs the necessary Tedds calculations in the background using the latest analysis results and a default basic set of Tedds data

  • For timber and precast members this command can be used after any the members have been initially designed. It is intended for use where a general re-check for all objects is required following changes to the model which require a reanalysis process (e.g. changing the loading applied onto the model). This command should ideally be used at the end of the design cycle and ensures that the previously designed timber, or precast concrete elements still meet the design criteria of the model.
Check using Tekla Tedds > Member

Launches Tekla Tedds within the background (the user is not exposed to the interface) and checks the member with the pre-saved design data. No other members in the associated Design Group will be checked.

Check using Tekla Tedds > <Masonry wall name> Launches Tekla Tedds within the background (the user is not exposed to the interface) and checks the wall with the pre-saved design data.
Check using Tekla Tedds > Group

Launches Tekla Tedds within the background (the user is not exposed to the interface) and checks each member in the selected group with the pre-saved design data.

Check using Tekla Tedds > Selection

Launches Tekla Tedds within the background (the user is not exposed to the interface) and checks the selected members/walls with the pre-saved design data.

Check using Tekla Tedds > Substructure This option is available in the Structure Tree to enable checking of all timber elements of a particular type, all precast elements of a particular type, or all masonry walls.
Check using Tekla Tedds > <Substructure name>

This extra option becomes available when working in a sub structure - Launches Tekla Tedds within the background (the user is not exposed to the interface) and checks the selected sub structure members with the pre-saved design data.

To check all timber members, precast members, and masonry walls

Note: This command is only available for those members that have already been designed.
On the Design tab, click Check in Tedds.
  • Tekla Structural Designer checks all the existing Tekla Tedds design calculations in the background for the current set of forces.

  • The updated status of the members is shown in a Review View.
Note: To find out more about this and the other Check using Tekla Tedds commands, see Understanding each of the check options above.
Note: This command is also available in the Project Workspace by selecting Check using Tekla Tedds > Model from the Group branch of the Group tab.
Note: This command uses the existing analysis results, (even if the analysis status is 'Out of Date').

To check a timber or precast member

Note: Check using Tekla Tedds is only available for those members that have already been designed.
  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the member to highlight it in a 2D or 3D view.
  2. If a different entity is highlighted, press the <down arrow> cursor key until the correct reference is shown in the Select Entity tooltip.
  3. Right click and select Check using Tekla Tedds > Member
    Tekla Structural Designer checks the existing Tekla Tedds precast design calculation in the background for the current set of forces.

    At the end of the process the status of the member(s) is shown in a Review View.

Note: To find out more about this and the other Check using Tekla Tedds commands, see Understanding each of the check options above.
Note: You can also run Check using Tekla Tedds > Member by right-clicking the member reference in the Structure Tree.
Note: Design using Tekla Tedds > Member uses the existing analysis results, (even if the analysis status is 'Out of Date').

To check a masonry wall

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the wall to highlight it in a 2D or 3D view.
  2. If a different entity is highlighted, press the <down arrow> cursor key until the correct reference is shown in the Select Entity tooltip.
  3. Right click and select Check using Tekla Tedds > <masonry wall name>
    Tekla Structural Designer checks the existing Tekla Tedds masonry wall design calculation in the background for the current set of forces.
Note: Check using Tekla Tedds > <masonry wall name> uses the existing analysis results, (even if the analysis status is 'Out of Date').

To check a timber or precast member group

Note: Check using Tekla Tedds is only available for those members that have already been designed.
  1. Hover the mouse pointer over a group member to highlight it in a 2D or 3D view.
  2. If a different entity is highlighted, press the <down arrow> cursor key until the correct reference is shown in the Select Entity tooltip.
  3. In the context menu, select Check using Tekla Tedds > Group
    • Tekla Structural Designer checks the existing Tekla Tedds design calculations in the background for the current set of forces.

    • The updated status of the group members is shown in a Review View.
Note: To find out more about this and the other Check using Tekla Tedds commands, see Understanding each of the check options above.

To check selected timber or precast members or masonry walls

Note: Check using Tekla Tedds is only available for those members that have already been designed.
  1. In the active view, drag a box to make your selection.
  2. Right-click, then in the context menu, select Check using Tekla Tedds > Selection
    • Tekla Structural Designer checks the existing Tekla Tedds design calculations in the background for the current set of forces.

    • The updated status of the members is shown in a Review View.
      Note: To find out more about this and the other Check using Tekla Tedds commands, see Understanding each of the check options above.
Note: The Check using Tekla Tedds > Selection command uses the existing analysis results, (even if the analysis status is 'Out of Date').

To check timber or precast members or masonry walls in a sub structure

Note: Check using Tekla Tedds is only available for those members that have already been designed.
  1. In the Project Workspace, click Structure tab.
  2. In the Sub Structures tree, right-click the sub structure you want to check.
  3. In the context menu, select Check using Tekla Tedds > <Sub structure name>
    • Tekla Structural Designer checks the existing Tekla Tedds design calculations in the background for the current set of forces.

    • The updated status of the sub structure members/walls is shown in a Review View.
    Note: To find out more about this and the other Check using Tekla Tedds commands, see Understanding each of the check options above.
Note: This command uses the existing analysis results, (even if the analysis status is 'Out of Date').
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