ASCE 7-22 updates
There have been numerous updates in the 2022 version of ASCE 7 which have an impact on Tekla Structural Designer, specifically changes to:
Importance factors
Snow Loading
Seismic Loading
Wind Loading
NEW Tornado Loading
Click on a topic below for further details.
Chapter 1- General
There is only one change that affects Tekla Structural Designer.
Table 1.5-2 Risk Category/Seismic Importance Factor now has only one factor Ie in the Table. The Snow Importance Factor Is has been removed.
Chapter 2 – Combinations of Loads
There is one change relevant to Tekla Structural Designer – the factors for snow loads in load combinations containing Snow Loadcases have changed.
Chapter 7 – Snow Loads
Clause/Table/Figure Renumbering
There is some very minor renumbering.
Cl 7.2 – ASCE Design Snow Load Geodatabase
The new ASCE Design Ground Snow Load Geodatabase ( gives the geocoded design ground snow load values for all four risk categories.
There are three new exceptions, snow loads need not be considered if
pg < the factored Lr (roof live load)
Pg ≤ 10 lb/ft2 and upwind roof from any upwind drifting locations lu ≤100 ft
Pg ≤ 5 lb/ft2 and upwind roof from any upwind drifting locations lu ≤300 ft
While you can manually elect not to consider snow loads in the above situations, Tekla Structural Designer cannot do this automatically as the lu values are not known.
Cl 7.3 – Flat Roof Snow Loads
Since pg comes from the Geodatabase it now incorporates Is x pg.
Hence in Tekla Structural Designer there is no longer a requirement to input the Snow Importance Factor Is.
Cl 7.3.3 – Minimum Snow Load for Low-slope Roofs
The minimum snow load, pm is defined as:
pm = pm,max (previously this used to be 20 x Is)
Risk category I - pm,max = 25 lb / ft2
Risk category II - pm,max = 30 lb / ft2
Risk category III - pm,max = 35 lb / ft2
Risk category IV - pm,max = 40 lb / ft2
As before, pm is only applied to roofs of slope > 15 degs.
When pg > pm,max then pm = pm,max and this is applied as a uniform load not in combination with drift, unbalanced or partial loads.
Cl 7.4.1 and Figure 7.4.1 – Slope Factor Cs
Figure 7.4.1 is referred to in clause 7.4.1 - Figure 7.4.1 has been updated from the previous version of the code. The revision of Figure 7.4.1 says (note all Roof Slope angles in degrees in the equations below)
Warm Roofs with Ct = 1.1
All surfaces
0 deg ≤ Roof Slope ≤ 30 deg - Cs = 1
30 deg < Roof Slope ≤ 70 deg - Cs = 1 - ((Roof slope - 30) / 40)
Roof slope > 70 deg - Cs = 0
Warm Roofs with 1.1 < Ct < 1.2
Unobstructed slippery surfaces
0 deg ≤ Roof Slope ≤ 10 deg - Cs = 1
10 deg < Roof Slope ≤ 70 deg - Cs = 1 - ((Roof slope - 10) / 60)
Roof slope > 70 deg - Cs = 0
All other surfaces
0 deg ≤ Roof Slope ≤ 37.5 deg - Cs = 1
37.5 deg < Roof Slope ≤ 70 deg - Cs = 1 - ((Roof slope - 37.5) / 32.5)
Roof slope > 70 deg - Cs = 0
Cold Roofs with Ct ≥ 1.2
Unobstructed slippery surfaces
0 deg ≤ Roof Slope ≤ 15 deg - Cs = 1
15 deg < Roof Slope ≤ 70 deg - Cs = 1 - ((Roof slope - 15) / 55)
Roof slope > 70 deg - Cs = 0
All other surfaces
0 deg ≤ Roof Slope ≤ 45 deg - Cs = 1
45 deg < Roof Slope ≤ 70 deg - Cs = 1 - ((Roof slope - 45) / 25)
Roof slope > 70 deg - Cs = 0
Cl 7.6.1 – Unbalanced Snow Loads for Hip and Gable Roofs
Previously, hd was determined from fig 7.6-1, whereas it now comes from the following NEW equation:
hd = 1.5 x √( pg0.74 x lu0.7 x W21.7 / γ )
W2 is NEW input
A limit on the calculation for Iu has been removed.
Previously when W < 20 ft then W = Iu = 20 ft.
Now Iu always = W (there is no 20 ft min.)
Cl 7.7.1 – Lower Roof of a Structure
Previously, hd was determined from fig 7.6-1 whereas it now comes from an equation as per the section above.
A NEW requirement for windward drifts, the drift width is taken as = 6hd.
Cl 7.10 – Rain-on-Snow Surcharge Load
Previously this was applied to situations where pg < 20 lb/ft2 (but not zero) and applied as a 5 lb/ft2 surcharge load. Now it is applied to situations where pg ≤ pm,max (but not zero) and applied as a 8 lb/ft2 surcharge load.
Chapters 11 and 12 - Seismic Design Criteria
The spectral response acceleration parameters now come from the Geodatabase ASCE 7 Hazard Tool – Seismic ( There are now two forms of Design Response Spectra
Multi-period Design Response Spectra
Two-period Design Response Spectra (as per ASCE 7-16 with some minor differences)
In the spectra Multi-period, at each response period, T, greater than 10 s, Sa is taken as the value of Sa at the period of 10 s,
T ≤ TL - factored by 10/T,
T > TL - factored by 10TL/T2
When the option “Site specific spectra (user defined – generic curve)" is selected, the “Shear wave velocity” limits are revised for ASCE 7-22 to
vs;30 > 1,450 ft/s (default)
vs;30 ≤ 1,450 ft/s
Site Class
There are now 9 different site classes of which 8 are permitted for selection in Tekla Structural Designer as below:
A – Hard rock
B – Medium hard rock
BC – Soft rock
C – Very dense sand/hard clay
CD – Dense sand/very stiff clay
D – Medium dense sand/stiff clay
DE – Loose sand/medium stiff clay
E – very loose sand/soft clay
“Structure Irregularities”
The structure irregularities have been updated and the new concept of Torsional Irregularity Ratio (TIR) has been introduced – so there is now only one plan irregularity for torsion.
“Seismic Force Resisting System”
There are a number of additions to the listed Seismic Force Resisting Systems.
Calculation of design spectral factors
When using the curve defined for “Site Specific Spectra (user defined – generic curve)" the following calculations are amended for ASCE 7-22
SDS = 0.9 x max(Sa at T = 0.2s ≤ T ≤ 5s)
SD1 =
0.9 x max(Sa at T = 1 ≤ T ≤ 2s) with vs;30 > 1,450 ft/s
0.9 x max(Sa at T = 1 ≤ T ≤ 5s) but ≥ Sa at 1s with vs;30 ≤ 1,450 ft/s
SMS = 1.5 x SDS
SM1 = 1.5 x SD1
Rules for Irregularities, SDC, Height etc
The rules for ASCE 7-22 areas follows;
SDC B | SDC C | SDC D | SDC E | SDC F | |
No irregularity | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA |
Plan irregularity | |||||
1) Torsional irreg TIR > 1.2 and/or > 75% of the story’s lateral strength below the diaphragm is provided at one side of the CoM |
ELF or RSA |
ELF or RSA Both – 1)Amplify torsional effect 2)Include tors effect in drift |
ELF or RSA Both – 1) use 100/30 orthog comb in lat forces 2)Amplify torsional effect 3)Include tors effect in drift |
ELF or RSA Both – 1) use 100/30 orthog comb in lat forces 2)Amplify torsional effect 3)Include tors effect in drift |
ELF or RSA Both – 1) use 100/30 orthog comb in lat forces 2)Amplify torsional effect 3)Include tors effect in drift |
1) Torsional irreg TIR > 1.4 then add to the above |
No additional requirements over TIR > 1.2 | No additional requirements over TIR > 1.2 | No additional requirements over TIR > 1.2 | No additional requirements over TIR > 1.2 | |
1) Torsional irreg TIR > 1.4 (both directions) then add to the above |
Set ρ= 1.3 in both directions | Set ρ= 1.3 in both directions | Set ρ= 1.3 in both directions | ||
1) Torsional irreg TIR > 1.6 then add to the above |
Nothing to add | Nothing to add | Nothing to add | ||
2) Re-entrant corners | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA |
3) Diaphragm discontinuity | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA |
4) Out of plane offset | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( |
5) Non parallel systems | ELF or RSA |
ELF or RSA Both – use 100/30 orthog comb in lat forces |
ELF or RSA Both – use 100/30 orthog comb in lat forces |
ELF or RSA Both – use 100/30 orthog split in lat forces |
ELF or RSA Both – use 100/30 orthog comb in lat forces |
Vertical irregularity | |||||
1a) Soft story irreg – exceptions 1) all story drift ratios > 130%, no tors effect need considering, no story drift for top two storys 2) ignore for 1 story (all SDC) and 2 story (SDC B-D). |
ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA |
1b) Extreme soft story – exceptions 1) all story drift ratios > 130%, no tors effect need considering, no story drift for top two storys 2) ignore for 1 story (all SDC) and 2 story (SDC B-D). |
ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | Structure Not permitted ( | Structure Not permitted ( |
2) Vertical geometric discontinuity | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA |
3) In-plane discontinuity in vert lat resisting elements | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( | Beyond current scope ( |
4a) Weak story | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA | ELF or RSA |
Structure Not permitted ( unless lateral story strength ≥ 80% of the story above * |
Structure Not permitted ( unless lateral story strength ≥ 80% of the story above * |
4b) Extreme weak story |
ELF or RSA Both <= 2 storeys/30ft high unless weak story can carry Ω0xdesign force |
ELF or RSA Both <= 2 storeys/30ft high unless weak story can carry Ω0xdesign force |
Structure Not permitted ( | Structure Not permitted ( | Structure Not permitted ( |
* The "lateral story strength ≥ 80% of the story above" proviso is a new condition which you should be aware of, but which cannot be handled automatically in Tekla Structural Designer |
Annex 1 – Calculation of Cs (Seismic Response Coefficient) (Cl
If the Design Spectrum being used is either of
Multi-Period Design Spectrum
Site Specific Spectrum (user defined – generic curve)
then the calculation for Cs is as follows
Cs = max(min(Sa / (R/Ie), SDS / (R/Ie)), 0.01, 0.044 x SDS x Ie, if(S1 >= 0.6, 0.5 x S1 / (R/Ie),0))
Sa = the value from the defined Design Spectrum curve at the Fundamental Period T of the structure – linear interpolation is used between defined points. If T < T for Samax value then Samax is used in the above in place of Sa
Note SDS can be set equal to max(1.0, 0.7 x SDS) provided certain criteria are met . In ASCE 7-22 there is an additional criteria to those in ASCE 7-16, that is R ≥ 3.0.
If the Design Spectrum being used is either of
Two-Period Spectrum
Site Specific Spectrum (User defined based on SD and T)
these remain exactly as for ASCE 7-16 for the calculation of Cs other than the additional criteria for R ≥ 3.0.
Annex 2 –Torsional Irregularity Ratio (TIR) (Cl
Torsional Irregularity Ratio (TIR) is a new concept in ASCE 7-22.
TIR is calculated for each story for each seismic combination in both Dir1 and Dir2 (with Ax = 1.0 for the seismic torsion cases in these)
TIRfloor = Δmax/ Δavg
Note there is an accidental torsion loadcase in both Dir1 and Dir2.
Δmax is the maximum story drift in a floor at the building edge with a rigid or semi rigid diaphragm. As the building edge values are calculated when there is a torsional irregularity. Δmax can be determined as the maximum of these.
Δavg is the average story drift at two opposing edges in a floor with a rigid or semi rigid diaphragm. As the building edge values are calculated when there is a torsional irregularity. Δavg can be determined from summing the Design Story Drift for all the edge columns and walls and dividing the total by the number of columns and walls used in the sum.
The building TIRbuilding is the maximum TIRfloor for all floors in the building for both directions Dir1 and Dir2 (i.e both torsion loadcases).
For the purpose of calculating TIR, while it is permitted to assume semi-rigid diaphragms are rigid – in Tekla Structural Designer we do not do this, instead a consistent model with rigid and semi-rigid diaphragms is kept.
Annex 3 – Accidental Torsion (Cl
In ASCE 7-16 Accidental Torsion is applied if
SDC = B with Type 1b horizontal irregularity exists
SDC = C, D, E or F with Type 1a or 1b horizontal irregularity exists
In ASCE 7-22 then Accidental Torsion is applied if
SDC = B with Type 1 horizontal structural irregularity and TIR > 1.4
SDC = C, D, E, or F with Type 1 horizontal structural irregularity
Annex 4 – Amplified Accidental Torsion (Cl
In ASCE 7-16 Amplified Accidental Torsion is applied if
SDC = C, D, E, or F with Type 1a or Type 1b horizontal structural irregularity
In ASCE 7-22 then Accidental Torsion is applied if
SDC = C, D, E, or F with Type 1 horizontal structural irregularity
Annex 5 – Displacement and Drift (Cl 12.8.6)
Design Earthquake Displacement
There is a Design Earthquake Displacement at every point in a structure. Design Earthquake Displacement is defined as
δDE = Cd x δe / Ie + δdi
δdi is the displacement due to diaphragm deformation corresponding to the design earthquake, including section 12.10 diaphragm forces.
δdi is not included for in the Tekla Structural Designercalculations.
For rigid diaphragms, δdi = 0 in (they are rigid) and so this is irrelevant.
For flexible diaphragms then δdi has a value but it is ignored in Tekla Structural Designer and a warning is issued to indicate that this is the case.
For no diaphragm then δdi = 0 in (as there is no diaphragm to deflect) and so this is irrelevant.
Note also that Clause says that the diaphragm deformation may be neglected when determining Design Story Drift.
Design Story Drift Δ
The Design Story Drift is defined as the difference between the Design Earthquake Displacements in any two adjacent stories (points vertically aligned).
So Design Story Drift is defined as
Δ = δDE2 - δDE1
Where δDE2 is the Design Earthquake Displacement at the higher story point of interest and δDE1 is the Design Earthquake Displacement at the lower story point vertically below the upper story point.
While previously in Tekla Structural Designer seismic drift was determined by assessing drifts at column/wall nodes, an option is now provided to allow it to be calculated automatically at the Center of Mass / edge of the structure. This new method is made available in Tekla Structural Designer for all ASCE 7 code versions.
When using the new automatic option seismic drift is determined
for a torsionally irregular structure with SDC C, D, E or F at the edges of the structure
for all other structures at the Center of Mass in a story
The former accounts for diaphragm rotation whereas the latter does not.
Note that in Tekla Structural Designer each rigid diaphragm in a floor has a Center of Mass - so there can be several Centers of Mass in a given floor. Tekla Structural Designer assesses all of these and reports the one with the worst design story drift.
Calculation of θ
NEW for ASCE 7-22
θ = Px x Δxe / (hsx x Vx)
Calculation of θmax
NEW for ASCE 7-22
θmax = max (min(0.5 / (β x Cd), 0.25), 0.1)
β can conservatively be taken as 1.0 but must be ≥ 1.25 / Ω0
Chapters 26, 27 and 28 – Wind Loads
The new Geodatabase ASCE 7 Hazard Tool - Wind ( ) gives the geocoded basic wind speed values for all four risk categories.
There is one change made here as a result of Kd being taken out of the q calculations and applied to q in the latter stages.
Hence “qmax“ has been replaced in Tekla Structural Designer with “qmax x Kd”
There are revised equations for Kh and Kz (Table 26.10-1)
z < 15 ft
Kz = 2.41 x (15ft / zg)2/α
15 ft ≤ z ≤ zg
Kz = 2.41 x (z / zg)2/α
zg ≤ z ≤ 3280 ft
Kz = 2.41
There are revised Terrain Exposure coefficients in Table 26.11-1
Chapter 32 – Tornado Loads
ALL NEW - Tornado loadcases can now be created using tornado wind speeds. Tornado loadcases are then applied to the structure just like Wind Loadcases.