Understanding story shears and story forces

Tekla Structural Designer
Modified: 6 Dec 2024
Tekla Structural Designer

Understanding story shears and story forces

Illustration of story forces and story shears

Story forces and story shears are calculated after analysis from internal element forces as follows:
  • Story Force is the net horizontal force acting on a node when considering the internal forces of all elements that connect to that node just above and just below the level in which it lies.

  • Story Shear is the cumulative horizontal shear acting on a node resulting from all loads applied above and at each level.

Story forces (Dir 1 and 2)

The graphical display of story forces shows the distribution of lateral forces coming into/ out of each level, typically at points where the members of the lateral force resisting system (LFRS) – be it braced bays, moment frames or shear walls – are attached. Note that story forces are only depicted at levels and not in between levels.

For an example of story forces, consider the following Dir 1 frame, in which:

  • the first and third bays are braced
  • the fifth bay is a moment frame
  • the last bay is a meshed shear wall
  • lateral loads are applied as shown

By selecting Story Forces Dir 1 the following results are displayed:

  • Red arrows show the story forces at each level at those points where the LFRS is attached, (where the change in shear takes place).
  • Each arrow indicates the direction of force. The value is positive if the arrow acts in the selected building direction and negative if it acts against the selected building direction.
  • In the meshed shear wall a single total value is displayed at each level, which considers all the nodes in the panel at that level.
  • Blue arrows drawn outside the structure show the summations at each level of lateral forces applied at that level, lateral forces applied between levels are not considered in these summations.

By default small story shear/force values are not displayed. You can control the threshold for this in Model Settings > Graphics View Settings by adjusting the Do not display values of story shear minimum below value.

Story force calculations

As previously stated, story force is the net horizontal force acting on a node when considering the internal forces of all elements that connect to that node just above and just below the level in which it lies. So by considering the axial forces in the diagonal braces in the first bay we can see how the story forces have been calculated.

  • At the 3rd level a brace connects to the node from below. The horizontal component of the brace tension is 22 cos (34.2) = 18
  • At the 2nd level, braces connect to the node from above and below. The horizontal component of the brace forces is 66 cos (34.2) - 22 cos (34.2) = 37
  • At the 1st level, braces connect to the node from above and below. The horizontal component of the brace forces is 92 cos (34.2) - 66 cos (34.2) = 21

For the meshed wall, in order to determine the net horizontal forces we would need to the display the Shear Major forces in the Wall Lines:

  • At the 3rd level there is only a wall connecting from below, so the horizontal force = -11
  • At the 2nd level, walls connect from above and below. The net horizontal force is 11+20 = 31
  • At the 1st level, walls connect from above and below. The net horizontal force is -20+74 = 54

Tabular display of story forces

The summation of story forces in each direction can also be shown in a Solver Model Data view, (by following these instructions).

Story shears (Dir 1 and 2)

Story shear is the shear load that has to be resisted by the structure immediately below the level by the lateral force resisting system (LFRS) – be it braced bays, moment frames or shear walls.

The graphical display of Dir 1 and Dir 2 story shears shows the cumulative horizontal shear resulting from all loads applied above and at each level in the selected building direction. Note that these shears are only depicted at levels and not in between levels.

For example, consider the frame from the previous section:

By selecting Story Shears Dir 1 the following results are displayed:

Story shears are shown immediately below the level to which they relate.

  • Red arrows show the individual cumulative shears. (The value at each node being the sum of shears from elements connected below the node.)
  • Each arrow indicates the direction of force. The value is positive if the arrow acts in the selected building direction and negative if it acts against the selected building direction.
  • Blue arrows drawn outside the structure show the total shear load to be resisted by the structure immediately below each level.
Note: If you experience an unexplained jump in total shear load from one level to the next, check to see if it can be explained by lateral forces applied between the levels. (See "Limitations" section below for more details).

By default small story shear/force values are not displayed. You can control the threshold for this in Model Settings > Graphics View Settings by adjusting the Do not display values of story shear minimum below value.

Tabular display of story shears

The summation of story shears in each direction can also be shown in a Solver Model Data view, (by following these instructions).

Wall/braced bay story shears (Dir 1 and 2)

The graphical display of Dir 1 and Dir 2 wall/braced bay story shears shows the cumulative horizontal shear resulting from all loads applied above and at each level in the selected building direction that is resisted in a vertical plane by braced bays or shear walls only – columns that are not attached to braces, and moment frames do not have any values shown.

For example, consider the frame from the previous sections:

By selecting Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears Dir 1 the following results are displayed:

  • Blue arrows show the cumulative shears at each level in each braced bay or shear wall.
  • Each arrow indicates the direction of force. The value is positive if the arrow acts in the selected building direction and negative if it acts against the selected building direction.

This diagram is easier to work with than the “Story Shears Dir 1" and "Story Shears Dir 2” diagrams because:

  • a single shear value is displayed at each level in each bay
  • moment frame values are hidden
  • values on columns not attached to braced bays are hidden.

Tabular display of wall/braced bay story shears

Wall/braced bay story shears can also be shown in a Solver Model Data view, (by following these instructions). This view shows the values in each direction as well as the in-plane values.

The in-plane values are described in the next section.


Some (usually small) amount of shear can develop in columns (or other systems) that are not identified by the "Wall/Braced Bay" subsets. These are reported at each level in each direction in the above Solver Model Data view as "Not captured by wall and braced bays" values. This is entirely normal, and if you want to investigate these you must look at the "Story Forces" or "Story Shears" Dir 1 and Dir 2 graphical displays.

Wall/braced bay story shears (in-plane)

The graphical display of in-plane wall/frame story shears shows the cumulative horizontal shear resulting from all loads applied above and at each level that is resisted by braced bays or shear walls in the plane in which they are aligned – columns that are not attached to braces (e.g. columns in moment frames) do not have any values shown.

For example, consider the frame from the previous sections:

By selecting Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears In-Plane the following results are displayed:

Because the braced bays and shear walls in this example are aligned to Dir 1 they are identical to the Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears Dir 1 in the previous section.

The main advantage of the “Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears In-Plane” graphical display when compared to the “Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears Dir 1, Dir 2” displays is that it shows the values of interest irrespective of how braced bays and walls are aligned, and the view isn't cluttered by out-of-plane values that could be ignored.

To demonstrate, consider this second example shown (below left), in which:
  • a wall has been defined in Frame A
  • braced bays have been defined in Frames 1 and C
  • none of the frames align with the building directions Dir 1 and Dir 2
  • a lateral load has been applied perpendicular to Frame A

By selecting Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears In-Plane you can immediately see (below right) the forces to be resisted by each lateral force resisting system (LFRS).

The arrows show the direction of force. The sign convention applied to values is:

  • if the vertical plane in which an arrow lies is more closely aligned with Dir 1 (within +-45 deg of Dir 1), the value is positive if the arrow acts towards Dir 1 and negative if it acts against Dir 1
  • otherwise the arrow will be more closely aligned with Dir 2, in which case the value is positive if the arrow acts towards Dir 2 and negative if it acts against Dir 2.

Applying this convention to the above example:

  • Frame 1 which is within +-45 deg of Dir 1, the arrows in the braced bay act towards Dir 1 so their values are positive.

  • Frame C is within +-45 deg of Dir 2, the arrows in the braced bays act against Dir 2 so their values are negative.

Tabular display of wall/braced bay story shears

The above wall/braced bay story shears can also be shown in a Solver Model Data view, (which can be displayed by following these instructions).


Some (usually small) amount of shear can develop in columns (or other systems) that are not identified by the "Wall/Braced Bay" subsets. These are reported at each level in each direction in the above Solver Model Data view as "Not captured by wall and braced bays" values. This is entirely normal, and if you want to investigate these you must look at the "Story Forces" or "Story Shears" Dir 1 and Dir 2 graphical displays.


Lateral loads applied between levels

Any lateral loads (point loads, udls etc.) applied between levels do not get included in the story force totals that are drawn in blue outside of the structure.

Therefore, if you experience an unexplained jump in total shear load from one level to the next, check to see if it can be explained by lateral forces applied between the levels.

This limitation is demonstrated in the following examples.

Example 1: Load applied at levels only

Applied loads

50, 100, 100 applied at levels 3, 2 and 1 respectively

Story Forces

Story force totals (in blue) equate to applied loads

Story Shears

Story shear totals (in blue) equate to cumulative story force totals

Example 2: Load applied between levels

Applied loads

Extra 100 applied between level 2 and 1

Story Forces

Totals (in blue) equate to loads applied at levels only - 100 applied between level 2 and 1 not included in totals

Story Shears

Story shear totals (in blue) do not equate to cumulative story force totals

Sloping slabs

Story forces and story shears will not be correct if a sloping slab passes through a floor with no connection to the floor.

They are not correct because the forces at the level in the floor are not calculated in this situation.

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