Display tabular analysis results in a Solver Model Data view
To display tabular model and results data, first go to the Analyze ribbon (1).
Then click Model
& Results (2).
This opens a Solver Model Data view (3) and adds extra commands to the ribbon to allow you to choose a Result Type (4) and a View Type (5). Note that some view types are only available for specific result types.
For most view types you will also need to select the loading (6).
Once a view type is displayed, the data can be sorted by any column into ascending (▲) or descending (▼) order simply by clicking a column header.
Data can be exported to Excel to facilitate
further result processing by clicking Excel (7).
To find out more about the view types, see below:
Nodal forces
Nodal deflections
Element end forces
Wall lines
It can be viewed as follows:
2D result lines
Core lines
It can be viewed as follows:
Shear only walls
FE results by node
FE results by shell
FE slab results by panel
To view the results:
FE wall results by panel
To view the results:
1D member forces
If required, you can apply a Model Filter to filter the results by material type, characteristic, construction, fabrication, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter.
You can also apply Table Options to change the number of positions along each member at which results are reported. For instructions on how to do this, see: Working with member forces table options.
Foundation reactions
- For meshed wall supports the reactions are reported for each support node along the wall.
- If an envelope is selected two rows may be generated for each support. The first row containing the maximum positive values for each of the 6 reaction directions and the second row the maximum negative values.
- If an RSA load is selected two results (one positive and one negative) will be output in a single row for each of the 6 reaction directions.
To view foundation reactions referenced by support:
- Apply a Model Filter to filter the results by column, wall, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter
- Use Table Options in order to change the axis system for reporting the reactions. For instructions on how to do this see: Working with foundation reaction axis systems
Pile forces
If required, you can apply a Model Filter to filter the results by pile type, pile cap, foundation mat, loading, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter.