Display tabular analysis results in a Solver Model Data view

Tekla Structural Designer
Modified: 12 Nov 2024
Tekla Structural Designer

Display tabular analysis results in a Solver Model Data view

To display tabular model and results data, first go to the Analyze ribbon (1).

Then click Model & Results (2).

This opens a Solver Model Data view (3) and adds extra commands to the ribbon to allow you to choose a Result Type (4) and a View Type (5). Note that some view types are only available for specific result types.

For most view types you will also need to select the loading (6).

Once a view type is displayed, the data can be sorted by any column into ascending (▲) or descending (▼) order simply by clicking a column header.

Data can be exported to Excel to facilitate further result processing by clicking Excel (7).

To find out more about the view types, see below:


To view node coordinates and degrees of freedom:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select the solver model result type required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Nodes.

    Node coordinates and degrees of freedom are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Nodes chapter.


To view solver element properties:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select the solver model type required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Elements.
    Solver element properties are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Elements chapter.

Nodal forces

Note: This view only allows you to view support reactions referenced by node - to view support reactions referenced by support or by member supported, refer instead to the instructions for viewing Foundation reactions tabular data (located under a separate heading further down in this topic).
To view support reactions referenced by node:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Nodal Forces.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select Imposed Load Reduction (or Live Load Reduction if working to US regional codes) if you want to view the reactions with imposed/live reductions applied.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the reactions for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Nodal Forces chapter.

Nodal deflections

To view nodal deflections as tables:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Nodal Deflections.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Nodal Deflections chapter.

Element end forces

To view element end forces:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Element End Forces.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.

    Tekla Structural Designer displays the raw analysis results of element end forces. This means that no axial load reductions have been applied.

Note: If an asterisk is shown next to an element number, this signifies that the results are actually output at the end of a rigid arm that you have modeled, rather than at the node itself.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Element End Forces chapter.

Wall lines

This table includes the major/minor shears and moments, axial force, and torsion at five locations for each stack within each wall line.

It can be viewed as follows:

  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Wall Lines.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Wall Line Forces chapter.

2D result lines

To view the results of the result lines in your model as tables:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select 2D Result Lines.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > 2D Result Line Forces chapter.

Core lines

This table includes the major/minor shears and moments, axial force, and torsion at the bottom, mid-point and top for each stack within each core line.

It can be viewed as follows:

  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Core Lines.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Core Line Forces chapter.

Shear only walls

To view panel shear results for shear only walls as tables:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select 2D Shear Only Walls.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Shear Only Wall Forces chapter.

FE results by node

Note: Sign conventions: In the FE results by node table the membrane results Fx and Fy are reported in the traditional analysis convention where tension is positive.
To view the FE results by node as tables:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select FE Results by Node.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select Imposed Load Reduction (or Live Load Reduction if working to US regional codes) if you want to view the results with imposed/live reductions applied.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > FE Results by Node chapter.

FE results by shell

To view the FE results by shell as tables:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select FE Results by Shell.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select Imposed Load Reduction (or Live Load Reduction if working to US regional codes) if you want to view the results with imposed/live reductions applied.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > FE Results by Shell chapter.

FE slab results by panel

This table gives the max (i.e. maximum positive value of the actions) and min (i.e. absolute maximum negative value of the actions) results for panel nodes, result strips and result lines within each slab panel.
Note: Sign conventions: In the FE results by node table the membrane results Fx and Fy are reported in the traditional analysis convention where tension is positive. In the FE slab results by panel table this is swapped to the convention traditionally used in design codes/standards where compression is positive.

To view the results:

  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select an appropriate analysis method (one in which the slabs containing the strips will have been meshed in the analysis).
  3. In the View Type list, select FE Slab Results by Panel.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select Imposed Load Reduction (or Live Load Reduction if working to US regional codes) if you want to view the results with imposed/live reductions applied.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
If required, you can apply a Model Filter to filter the results by slab, level, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter.
Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > FE Slab Results by Panel chapter.

FE wall results by panel

This table gives the max (i.e. maximum positive value of the actions) and min (i.e. absolute maximum negative value of the actions) results for panel nodes, wall lines and result lines within each wall panel.
Note: Sign conventions: In the FE results by node table the membrane results Fx and Fy are reported in the traditional analysis convention where tension is positive. In the FE wall results by panel table this is swapped to the convention traditionally used in design codes/standards where compression is positive.

To view the results:

  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select an appropriate analysis method.
  3. In the View Type list, select FE Wall Results by Panel.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select Imposed Load Reduction (or Live Load Reduction if working to US regional codes) if you want to view the results with imposed/live reductions applied.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
If required, you can apply a Model Filter to filter the results by wall, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter.
Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > FE Wall Results by Panel chapter.

1D member forces

To view the forces along 1D members:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select 1D Member Forces.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select whether you want Live Load Reduction (for US codes), or Imposed Load Reduction (other codes) to be on or off.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed for all members of all materials according to the selections that have been made.

If required, you can apply a Model Filter to filter the results by material type, characteristic, construction, fabrication, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter.

You can also apply Table Options to change the number of positions along each member at which results are reported. For instructions on how to do this, see: Working with member forces table options.

Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Member Forces chapter.

Foundation reactions

This table gives the foundation reactions for member and wall supports. The support co-ordinates and the supported member/wall reference, rotation and size are also included. (Where a single support is supporting more than one member, each member reference will be included.)
  • For meshed wall supports the reactions are reported for each support node along the wall.
  • If an envelope is selected two rows may be generated for each support. The first row containing the maximum positive values for each of the 6 reaction directions and the second row the maximum negative values.
  • If an RSA load is selected two results (one positive and one negative) will be output in a single row for each of the 6 reaction directions.

To view foundation reactions referenced by support:

  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select an appropriate analysis method.
  3. In the View Type list, select Foundation Reactions.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
  6. If the chosen loading has live load reductions activated (US), or imposed load reductions activated (other codes); in the Result Type group select Live Load Reduction (US), or Imposed Load Reduction (other codes) if you want to view the results with the reductions applied.
    Results are displayed accordingly.
If required, you can also:
Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Foundation Reactions > Foundation Reactions chapter.

Pile forces

To view the forces in piles:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Pile Forces.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination, or envelope.
  5. In the Result Type group, select whether you want Live Load Reduction (for US codes), or Imposed Load Reduction (other codes) to be on or off.
  6. In the Result Type group, (unless you are viewing loadcase results), select whether you want to view the results for Strength Factors, or Service Factors.
    Results are displayed for all piles according to the selections that have been made.

If required, you can apply a Model Filter to filter the results by pile type, pile cap, foundation mat, loading, or by a saved report filter. For instructions on how to do this see: Add and apply a new filter.

Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Pile Forces chapter.

Story forces

To view story forces:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Story Forces.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination.
    Story forces are displayed according to the selections that have been made.
Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Story Forces chapter.

Story shears

To view story shears:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Story Shears.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination.
    Story shears are displayed according to the selections that have been made.
Note: If required, the same results can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Story Shears chapter.

Wall/Braced Bay Story shears

To view wall/braced bay story shears:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. Using the droplist in the Result Type group, select the required linear, non-linear, chasedown or RSA type.
  3. In the View Type list, select Wall/Braced Bay Story Shears.
  4. In the Loading list at the bottom of the window, select the desired loadcase, combination.
    Wall/braced bay story shears are displayed according to the selections that have been made.

Modal frequencies

To view the modal frequencies and modal masses of a particular load combination:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal.
  3. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  4. In the View Type list, select Modal Frequencies.
  5. In the Loading list, select the desired load combination.

    Modal frequencies and modal masses of the selected load combination are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Modal Frequencies chapter.

Summed mass

To view the summed total mass of the modal mass combinations:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Summed Mass.

    The total mass of the modal mass combinations are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Summed Mass chapter.

Dynamic masses

To view the total dynamic masses for modal mass combinations:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Dynamic Masses.
    The total dynamic masses for the modal mass combinations are displayed accordingly.
Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Dynamic Masses chapter.

Active masses by node

To view the dynamic active masses of the nodes:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Active Masses by Node.

    The dynamic active masses of the nodes in your model are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Active Masses by Node chapter.

Total masses by node

To view total masses by node:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Total Masses by Node.

    The dynamic total masses of the nodes in your model are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Total Masses by Node chapter.

Total masses by level

To view total masses by level:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Total Masses by Level.

    The total masses by level are displayed accordingly.

Mode shape by node

To view mode shape by node:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the Result Type group, select 2nd Order Buckling, 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Mode shape by Node.
  4. In the second list of the Result Type group, select the desired mode.
  5. Still in the Result Type group, select between Mass Nomalized and Unity Nomalized results.

    The mode shapes by node are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Mode Shapes by Node chapter.

Mode shape by level

To view mode shape by level:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the Result Type group, select 1st Order Modal, 1st Order RSA Seismic, or 2nd Order RSA Seismic as required.
  3. In the View Type list, select Mode shape by Level.
  4. In the second list of the Result Type group, select the desired mode.
  5. Still in the Result Type group, select between Mass Nomalized and Unity Nomalized results.

    The mode shapes by level are displayed accordingly.

Buckling factors

To view buckling factors:
  1. On the Analyze ribbon, click Model & Results.

    A Solver Model Data view is the active view and a Result Type group and a View Type group are available in the Analyze ribbon.

  2. In the upper list of Result Type group, select 2nd Order Buckling.
  3. In the View Type list, select Buckling Factors.
  4. In the Loading list, select the desired loadcase or combination.

    The buckling factors are displayed accordingly.

Note: If required, the same information can be output as a report by configuring a model report which includes the Analysis > Buckling Factors chapter.
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