Manage, display and design result lines
You can place user-defined result lines across 2D element meshes. For these lines, Tekla Structural Designer determines the force and moment results from the shell/plate/membrane nodal analysis results. These results can then be used to assess design solutions, typically for the design of wall panels with openings.
Engineering judgement is required when positioning the lines to ensure suitable design forces are obtained.
Create result lines
View the analysis results for result lines
Note: An analysis must be performed
after adding or editing result lines in order to obtain up to date
To view the results, do the following: Interactively design result lines
Features of result line design
- The interactive design dialog features full interactive manual selection of both lateral and vertical reinforcement, interaction diagrams and auto-design and check options, just as for a regular wall/ column section interactive design.
- The wall length/ column depth considered is the Result Line length.
- Result lines are not constrained to cross sections in the horizontal plane -
vertical sections can be used above/between openings to investigate forces
and reinforcement requirements in “coupling beams”.
- The section design always considers the main bars (running perpendicular to the cross section) as being on the inner layer, from a design perspective this will tend to be conservative but the engineer should give this some consideration when working with non-horizontal sections.
- The design does not consider the existing reinforcement specified in wall properties - only that which is defined in the Interactive design dialog.
- Currently this feature is not linked with Reports and so it is envisaged output will be via screenshots of the interactive design and check results dialogs.
- The same result line can be used to interactively design as a column, and as a wall. Both designs are saved to the result line independently.
Delete result lines
Tip: To delete a result
line, ensure that Result Lines are switched on in Scene Content.