Report settings

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Report settings

Click Home > Settings > Report to edit the following report settings.


Unlike other settings, changes made to Report Settings in the active settings set are instantly applied to the current session when you click OK to close the Settings dialog box.

You can also access the same settings when a report is displayed in the active window by clicking Report > Settings.


Setting Description

Report Styles list

Allows you to select a style used in reports whose font, color, or other properties you want to modify.

Font > Change...

Allows you to change the font used for the currently selected style.

Colors > Foreground > Change...

Allows you to change the foreground color of the selected style.

Colors > Background > Clear

Allows you to use a clear background for the selected style.

Colors > Background > Change...

Allows you to change the background color of the selected style.

Vertical alignment

Allows you to modify the vertical alignment of the selected style.


Allows you to determine the indentation of the selected style.

Line spacing

Allows you to determine the line spacing of the selected style.

Page Options

Setting Description

Page margins

Allows you to adjust the margins on report pages.

Margin frame > Draw page margin frame

Allows you to select whether Tekla Structural Designer creates a margin frame to separate the report text from the margins.

Margin frame > Color > Change...

Allows you to change the color of the margin frame.

First page number

Allows you to determine the number from which the page numbers start.

Page number prefix

Allows you to specify a prefix to the page number.

Table Options

Setting Description

Border Style

Allows you to specify the table border style. You can select to have no table borders, a single line border, or a double line border.

Border Properties > Color > Change...

Allows you to change the table border color.

Border Properties > Width

Allows you to adjust the table border width.

Table width > [] percent of page width

Allows you to specify the width of all tables included in reports.

Use landscape orientation for wide tables

When enabled (default) the report page orientation will automatically change to landscape mode when the table header will not fit in portrait orientation.

Note: You can reduce the need for landscape orientation and number of pages by; reducing page margins (default values may be quite wide); increasing the allowable table width from 90 to 95% of the available width

Document Options

Setting Description

Show document header

Allows you to include the header at the top of each report page.

Show border in document header

Draws a border around each field cell in the header.

Show document footer

Allows you to include the header at the top of each report page.

Show border in document footer

Draws a border around each field cell in the footer.

Show document field description in line with the value

Allows you to display the field descriptions in line with the field values in each cell.

If you do not select the Show document field description in line with the value option, the field values are displayed on a new line.

Underline document field cell

Underlines the cell value of each field.

Image width > [] percent of page width

Allows you to specify the width of all images included in reports.

Paragraphs > Spacing

Allows you to specify the paragraph spacing in reports.

Start each item on new page

Allows you to start each report chapter on a new page.

Start each member report on new page

Allows you to start each member report on a new page.

Picture Fonts

Setting Description

Reset Fonts

Resets all the fonts to the default settings.

Font Name

Displays the report item to which the font applies.


Allows you to change the font used for a report item.


Allows you to adjust the size of the font.


Allow you to further format the font.


Excel Export

Setting Description

Disable cell merging

As shown below, columns of data are typically merged in reports to improve readability.

How this data appears when exported to Excel will depend on this setting. Provided cell merging is not disabled a similar result is obtained.

If the option to disable cell merging is selected, the data is repeated on each row. This is often necessary if you intend to manipulate the data in Excel.

Export to Tekla Tedds

Setting Description
Report detail Set the level of calculation detail to be exported:
  • None
  • Summary
  • Full
Include summary table Include a tabular summary of the calculation results.
Include section sketch Include a sketch.
Note: The above settings are used to configure the initial default output options applied to Tedds calculations when the calculation is first run. If the output options are changed within the calculation the updated options are saved to the calculation.

To generate a report you run the Export to Tekla Tedds command. This will apply the output options that are saved within the calculation. Therefore, if you want to update the output options in an existing calculation, re-run the calculation to change the output options and export to Tedds once more.

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