Structure Properties

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Structure Properties

Use the Structure properties to view or modify the basic properties of the structure.

Property Description
Building Direction Rotation

Defines the building direction relative to the Global Axis System

The default (0 degrees) aligns the building direction 1 arrow with the global X axis and the direction 2 arrow with the global Y axis.

Entering a positive value rotates the Building Direction arrows clockwise about positive Global Z, a negative value rotates anti-clockwise. The limiting values are +45 degrees and -45 degrees. (If you enter larger values they will be capped at these limits).

The building direction arrows are always at 90 degs to each other.

Show Building Arrows When shown, building direction arrows are displayed in all 2D and 3D Views.
Building Direction Labels

The labels to be used for the building direction arrows.

The options are:

  • Dir 1/2
  • Dir H/V
  • Dir X/Y
Consequence class Defines kFl used in strength combinations.
  • CC3 - kFl = 1.1
  • CC2 - kFl = 1.0
  • CC1 - kFl = 0.9
Note: Applies to Finland (Eurocode) regional code only
Reliability class Defines γd used in strength combinations.
  • RC3 - γFl = 1.0
  • RC2 - γFl = 0.91
  • RC1 - γFl = 0.83
Note: Applies to Sweden (Eurocode) regional code only
Slab Mesh Size Defines the mesh size for two way spanning slabs.
Note: To optimize solution time consider using a coarser mesh during design development before switching to a more refined mesh at the final design stage.
Slab Uniformity Factor Defines the mesh uniformity for two way spanning slabs. (100% = maximum uniformity).
Slab Mesh Type

Defines the mesh type for all meshed slabs in the model.

The options are:

  • Quad dominant
  • Quad only
  • Tri only
Semi-Rigid Mesh Size Defines the mesh size for roof panels, and slabs when modeled as semi-rigid diaphragms.
Semi-Rigid Uniformity Factor Defines the semi-rigid mesh uniformity for roof panels, and slabs when modeled as semi-rigid diaphragms.
Semi-Rigid Mesh Type

Defines the semi-rigid mesh type for roof panels, and slabs when modeled as semi-rigid diaphragms

The options are:

  • QuadDominant
  • QuadOnly
  • Triangular
Wall Mesh Horizontal Size Defines the horizontal mesh size for all meshed walls in the model - but can be overridden in individual wall properties.
Wall Mesh Vertical Size Defines the vertical mesh size for all meshed walls in the model - but can be overridden in individual wall properties.
Wall Mesh Type

Defines the mesh type for all meshed walls in the model, (but can be overridden in individual wall properties):

The options are:

  • Quad only
  • Tri only
  • Quad dominant
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