Create planar drawings

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Create planar drawings

Five drawing variants are grouped together as planar drawings:

  • General Arrangement - Layout drawing of a 2D level or frame.

  • Beam End Forces - General arrangement that includes the forces at steel beam ends. (Use case: steel connection design)

  • Column Splice Loads - Frame general arrangement that includes the loads at splice locations in steel columns. (Use case: steel connection design)

  • Foundation Reactions - General arrangement that includes support reactions. (Use case: foundation design)

  • Loading Plan - General arrangement that includes applied loads for a selected loadcase.

You can create a General Arrangement or Loading Plan at any time (from any view regime).

You can create a Beam End Forces, Column Splice Loads or Foundation Reactions drawing for a chosen analysis type and loading (having first specified the analysis type required from the Results tab.)

Before you create a drawing, ensure that the current drawing options meet your needs by doing the following:
  1. On the Draw tab, click Settings

  2. Go to Options.
  3. Click the drawing type whose options you want to review or adjust.
  4. Adjust the drawing options according to your needs.
  5. Click OK.
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