Import a project from a Structural BIM Import file
On the BIM Integration tab, click Structural BIM Import.
The BIM Integration wizard opens.
Use the
[…] button to browse and select the appropriate CXL file.
The remainder of the fields are populated with the settings read directly from the file.
Click Next to continue.
The Import Options page shows the settings related to the file, it will indicate if this is a first time import or an update, and allows the user to choose Metric or Imperial for the units, a design code and the default level type. The level type can later be adjusted in the construction levels dialog if required.
Click Next to continue.
The Relocate Import Model page allows for models to be moved to around the datum position in Tekla Structural Designer from a real world co-ordinate. The extent of the model can be seen from the information displayed on the right hand side of the dialog.
Click Next to continue.
The Integration Filter will be displayed. The five options shown here allow you to verify if grids, levels etc. are to be imported. Please note that the settings held in the Delete Existing… and four Update… columns should not be used when performing a First Time Import and are only used when synchronizing changes into an existing Tekla Structural Designer model.
Click Next to continue.
Mapping of materials to recognized grades will be shown now. Here you can view the different materials recognized in the incoming CXL file and the options to alter materials with a more preferred grade.
Click Next to continue (if available).
Following on from Material mapping, the dialog for Decking mapping will be shown (if applicable). Again this allows users to view the decking types being imported and have the option of overwriting the details if required.
Click Finish
After the file has completed processing, the model will be displayed within the Structural 3D view and you can then proceed with validation of the structure before applying any analytical information.