Display loading summaries in the Project Workspace

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Display loading summaries in the Project Workspace

The Loading tree in the Project Workspace can be used to view:

  • Total loads on the structure and total reactions for each loadcase and combination analysed.
  • Loadcase or combination status, (a pass status indicates the above totals equate to each other).
  • Notional forces and any minimum lateral loads
  • Combination load duration factors used in timber design.

View the load status of a loadcase or combination

  1. In the Project Workspace, select the Loading tab.
  2. In the Loading tree, select the required loadcase or combination.
    The status of the selected loadcase or combination is displayed in the Properties window as follows:
    • total reaction equates to the total load on structure

    • total reaction does not equate to the total load on structure

    • total reaction is not available

How load status is determined

Under General there are summations (in global X, Y & Z) of:

  • Member Loads
  • Nodal Loads
  • Total NHF Dir 1
  • Total NHF Dir 2
  • Decomposable Loads (i.e. loads applied to panels)
  • 1 Way Decomposition Results
  • 2 Way Decomposition Results
  • Total User Applied Load (this can be greater than the total Member, Nodal and Decomposable loads if Diaphragm Loads have been applied).
  • Total Load on Structure
  • Total Reaction - from the 3D analysis
Under FE Chasedown and Grillage Chasedown(if they have been performed) there are summations of:
  • Total Reaction
  • For each sub-model:
    • Load from above
    • Load Applied
    • Reaction

The following cross checks are performed on the above data:

  • Total User Applied Load should equate to the Total Load on Structure.
  • Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for 3D analysis reported in the General section.
  • Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for FE chasedown analysis reported in the FE ChaseDown section.
  • For each sub-model in the FE ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
  • Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for Grillage chasedown analysis reported in the Grillage ChaseDown section.
  • For each sub-model in the Grillage ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction

A status is assigned if the Total User Applied Load, Total Load on Structure and Total Reaction do not balance*.

* Within a small tolarance of: Max (50N, 0.25% TotalReaction).

View the magnitude of minimum lateral loads

Note: Minimum lateral loads are only displayed if they have been activated in Model Settings
  1. In the Project Workspace, select the Loading tab.
  2. In the Loading tree, select the required Min Lateral Load loadcase.
  3. The magnitude of the load is listed under Nodal Loads in the Properties window.

View the magnitude of notional forces

Note: The notional forces are calculated according to the Global Imperfections settings in Model Settings.
  1. In the Project Workspace, select the Loading tab.
  2. In the Loading tree, select the required loadcase or combination.
  3. The magnitude of the notional forces are listed under Total NHF Dir 1 and Total NHF Dir 2 in the Properties window.
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