Display loading summaries in the Project Workspace
The Loading tree in the Project Workspace can be used to view:
- Total loads on the structure and total reactions for each loadcase and combination analysed.
- Loadcase or combination status, (a pass status indicates the above totals equate to each other).
- Notional forces and any minimum lateral loads
- Combination load duration factors used in timber design.
View the load status of a loadcase or combination
How load status is determined
Under General there are summations (in global X, Y & Z) of:
- Member Loads
- Nodal Loads
- Total NHF Dir 1
- Total NHF Dir 2
- Decomposable Loads (i.e. loads applied to panels)
- 1 Way Decomposition Results
- 2 Way Decomposition Results
- Total User Applied Load (this can be greater than the total Member, Nodal and Decomposable loads if Diaphragm Loads have been applied).
- Total Load on Structure
- Total Reaction - from the 3D analysis
Under FE Chasedown and Grillage Chasedown(if they have been
performed) there are summations of:
- Total Reaction
- For each sub-model:
- Load from above
- Load Applied
- Reaction
The following cross checks are performed on the above data:
- Total User Applied Load should equate to the Total Load on Structure.
- Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for 3D analysis reported in the General section.
- Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for FE chasedown analysis reported in the FE ChaseDown section.
- For each sub-model in the FE ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
- Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for Grillage chasedown analysis reported in the Grillage ChaseDown section.
- For each sub-model in the Grillage ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
A status is assigned if the Total User Applied Load, Total Load on Structure and Total Reaction do not balance*.
* Within a small tolarance of: Max (50N, 0.25% TotalReaction).
View the magnitude of minimum lateral loads
Note: Minimum lateral loads are only
displayed if they have been activated in Model Settings
- In the Project Workspace, select the Loading tab.
- In the Loading tree, select the required Min Lateral Load loadcase.
- The magnitude of the load is listed under Nodal Loads in the Properties window.
View the magnitude of notional forces
Note: The notional forces are calculated according to the Global Imperfections
settings in Model Settings.
- In the Project Workspace, select the Loading tab.
- In the Loading tree, select the required loadcase or combination.
- The magnitude of the notional forces are listed under Total NHF Dir 1 and Total NHF Dir 2 in the Properties window.