Display member analysis results in a Load Analysis View

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Display member analysis results in a Load Analysis View

Analysis results for individual members and walls can be displayed in a Load Analysis View.

Open a Load Analysis View

  1. Right-click the member whose loading and analysis results you want to view.
  2. In the context menu, select Open Load Analysis View.

    Tekla Structural Designer opens the load analysis view and a Loading Analysis tab is added to the ribbon.

  3. In the Loading list, select the loadcase, combination or envelope whose results you want to view.
  4. On the ribbon, select the analysis type using the list in the Result Type group.
  5. If you are viewing the results for a load combination or envelope, in the Result Type group on the ribbon, select whether you want to view the results based on strength or service factors.
  6. In the Direction group, select the axis type (Axial, Major, or Minor).

    Tekla Structural Designer displays the results according to the selected options.

    You can then further control the results in the Properties window as follows:
    • If the member is continuous:
      • If viewing results for a column, set the stack property to display either results for the whole column, or an individual stack.
      • If viewing results for a beam, set the span property to display either results for the whole beam, or an individual span.
    • If the loadcase, combination or envelope has live/imposed load reductions applied:
      • If viewing Axial results for a column, click Show axial force reduced to display the results with live/imposed load reductions applied.If viewing Major or Minor results for a beam, click Show reduced to display the results with live/imposed load reductions applied.

Load Analysis View properties for columns

Result Type: Axial

Property Description

The results can be reported at any position along the column, either by typing the distance directly into the Properties window, or, on the diagram, by dragging this slider to the position required.

Note: For concrete columns only: If rigid zones have been applied, only the non-rigid length of the column is displayed in the loading analysis view.
Stack Specifies the stack for which results are displayed.
Axial force above

The axial force in the column immediately above the cross section at the distance specified.

Axial force below

The axial force in the column immediately below the cross section at the distance specified.

Axial force reduced above

The axial force in the column immediately above the cross section at the distance specified, taking into account live/imposed load reductions.

Axial force reduced below

The axial force in the column immediately below the cross section at the distance specified, taking into account live/imposed load reductions.

Torsion moment above

The torsion in the column immediately above the cross section at the distance specified.

Torsion moment below

The torsion in the column immediately below the cross section at the distance specified.

Show axial force

If cleared, the axial force diagram is removed from the view.

Show axial force reduced

If cleared, the reduced axial force diagram is removed from the view.

Show torsion moment

If cleared, the torsion diagram is removed from the view.

Show dimensions

If cleared, the dimensions are removed from the view.

Show extremes If cleared, the max and min values are removed from the view.

Result Type: Major, Minor

Property Description

The results can be reported at any position along the column, either by typing the distance directly into the Properties window, or, on the diagram, by dragging this slider to the position required.

Note: For concrete columns only: If rigid zones have been applied, only the non-rigid length of the column is displayed in the loading analysis view.
Stack Specifies the stack for which results are displayed.
Shear above

The major or minor shear force immediately above the cross section at the distance specified.

Shear below

The major or minor shear force immediately below the cross section at the distance specified.

Moment above

The major or minor moment immediately above the cross section at the distance specified.

The Moments diagram is solid and shaded.

Moment below

The major or minor moment immediately below the cross section at the distance specified.

Ecc. Moment above

The major or minor moment due to eccentricity immediately above the cross section at the distance specified.

The eccentricity moments diagram is dashed and unshaded.

Ecc. Moment below

The major or minor moment due to eccentricity immediately below the cross section at the distance specified.

Relative deflection

The relative deflection in the major or minor direction at the distance specified.

Applied load above

The applied distributed load in the major or minor direction immediately above the cross section at the distance specified.

Applied load below

The applied distributed load in the major or minor direction immediately below the cross section at the distance specified.

Applied force

The applied point load in the major or minor direction at the distance specified.

Applied moment

The applied moment in the major or minor direction at the distance specified.

Show loading

If cleared, the loading diagram is removed from the view.

Show shear

If cleared, the shear diagram is removed from the view.

Show moment

If cleared, the moment diagram is removed from the view.

Show relative deflection

If cleared, the relative deflections diagram is removed from the view.

Show dimensions

If cleared, the dimensions are removed from the view.

Show extremes If cleared, the max and min values are removed from the view.

Load Analysis View properties for beams

Result Type: Axial

Property Description

The results can be reported at any position along the beam, either by typing the distance directly into the Properties window, or, on the diagram, by dragging this slider shown below to the position required.

Note: For concrete beams only: If rigid zones have been applied, only the non-rigid length of the beam is displayed in the loading analysis view.
Span Specifies the span for which results are displayed.
Axial force left The axial force in the beam immediately to the left of the cross section at the distance specified.
Axial force right The axial force in the beam immediately to the right of the cross section at the distance specified.
Torsion moment left The torsion in the beam immediately to the left of the cross section at the distance specified.
Torsion moment right The torsion in the beam immediately to the right of the cross section at the distance specified.
Relative angle of twist The relative angle of twist (due to torsion) in the beam cross section, at the distance specified.
Angle of twist derivative
A droplist allowing the selection of the derivative of angle of twist:
  • First
  • Second
  • Third

(This property is displayed for “Open” sections only).

Angle of twist derivative left

The relative angle of twist (due to torsion) in the beam cross section, immediately to the left of the distance specified.

(This property is displayed for “Open” sections only).

Angle of twist derivative right

The relative angle of twist (due to torsion) in the beam cross section, immediately to the right of the distance specified.

(This property is displayed for “Open” sections only).

Show axial force

If cleared, the axial force diagram is removed from the view.

(This property is only displayed if the Axial direction is selected.)

Show torsion moment

If cleared, the torsion diagram is removed from the view.

(This property is only displayed if the Axial direction is selected.)

Show relative angle of twist If cleared, the relative angle of twist diagram is removed from the view.
Show angle of twist derivative

If cleared, the angle of twist derivative diagram is removed from the view.

(This property is displayed for “Open” sections only).

Show dimensions If cleared, the dimensions are removed from the view.
Show extremes If cleared, the max and min values are removed from the view.

Result Type: Major, Minor, (plus Major Principal and Minor Principal for angle sections)

Property Description

The results can be reported at any position along the beam, either by typing the distance directly into the Properties window, or, on the diagram, by dragging this slider shown below to the position required.

Note: For concrete beams only: If rigid zones have been applied, only the non-rigid length of the beam is displayed in the loading analysis view.
Span Specifies the span for which results are displayed.
Show reduced If selected, the forces that are reported take account of any live/imposed load reductions that might apply.
Shear left The major or minor shear force immediately to the left of the cross section at the distance specified.
Shear right The major or minor shear force immediately to the right of the cross section at the distance specified.
Moment left The major or minor moment immediately to the left of the cross section at the distance specified.
Moment right The major or minor moment immediately to the right of the cross section at the distance specified.
Relative deflection The relative deflection in the major or minor direction at the distance specified.
Applied load left The applied distributed load in the major or minor direction immediately to the left of the cross section at the distance specified.
Applied load right The applied distributed load in the major or minor direction immediately to the right of the cross section at the distance specified.
Applied force The applied point load in the major or minor direction at the distance specified.
Applied moment The applied moment in the major or minor direction at the distance specified.
Show loading If cleared, the loading diagram is removed from the view.
Show shear If cleared, the shear diagram is removed from the view.
Show moment If cleared, the moment diagram is removed from the view.
Show relative deflection If cleared, the relative deflection diagram is removed from the view.
Show dimensions If cleared, the dimensions are removed from the view.
Show extremes If cleared, the max and min values are removed from the view.

RSA Seismic Results in a Load Analysis View

Loading Analysis Views for 1st or 2nd Order RSA Seismic result types use the same rules as those applied to multi-member Results Views for the same result types, i.e. as follows:

RSA Seismic Loadcases

  • Combined (CQC) or Combined (SRSS) - depending on your choice in Analysis Options
    • Absolute values are determined at various points along each member and then plotted on both the positive and negative side of the diagram, (so that the diagrams are always symmetrical about the base line).
  • All relevant modes - a standard enveloped diagram is displayed
  • RSA Torsion Loadcases - displayed as per 1st order linear analysis
  • Static Loadcases included in the RSA Seismic Combination - displayed as per 1st order linear analysis
  • Effective Seismic Weight Combination - not available

RSA Seismic Combinations

A droplist is provided to allow you to view:
  • Design Profile - derived from the Static+Seismic result, the Design Profile is always plotted on the same side of the base line as the Static Only result
  • Static Only - displayed as per 1st order linear analysis
  • Seismic Only - absolute values are determined at various points along each member and then plotted on both the positive and negative side of the diagram
  • Static+Seismic - an envelope is drawn showing the seismic results above and below the static result.
    • Base line is through the static values
    • Top line is static value + seismic value
    • Bottom line is static value - seismic value

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