Deemed to satisfy slab deflection checks example (ACI)
A simple way to assess slab deflection in Tekla Structural Designer is to run a linear analysis using adjusted analysis properties, and then check the resulting deflections by manually determining critical spans.
Download and open the tutorial model
Perform Linear Analysis
Identify critical check locations
We can see that the maximum reported deflection is 1.1in, occurring in the middle of a corner bay. This should be assessed by taking the slab span diagonally across the bay.
The deflection at the identified location now needs to be checked against a limiting span-to-depth ratio which we will assume for this example can be taken as span /240.
Taking the diagonal dimension across the columns, the deemed-to-satisfy span / 240 rule provides a deflection of [√(26' 3"2+26' 3"2)] / 240 = 1.8in.
This compares unfavorably.
Concrete properties used in the analysis
The Tekla Structural Designer deflection result is completely dependent upon the concrete elastic modulus used in the analysis which is adjusted by a modification factor to consider such things as creep, cracking and shrinkage.