Review embodied carbon overview
Embodied carbon can be reviewed in summary form by creating an Embodied Carbon Overview tabular data view.
Embodied Carbon Overview tabular data views:
- are either displayed for the whole model, or according to the materials, characteristics, construction and fabrication types selected in the ribbon
- can be displayed grouped by:
- Construction type
- Level & Construction type
- Construction type & Material
- Material
- Level
- Plane
- can have filters applied ( selected UDAs, frames, or groups)
- are linked to the 3D view: double-clicking a row in the table locates the row entities in the 3D view
- can be exported to a spreadsheet
- are not suitable for direct printing, but the data can be included in an Embodied Carbon report which can then be printed.
For more details about the practical use of this feature, see: Examine embodied carbon overview in the Embodied carbon workflow topic.
Note: Embodied carbon can also be reviewed in more depth by creating an Embodied Carbon
Detail tabular data view.
Create embodied carbon overview tabular results
Locate tabular data in a 3D view
Tip: Make
use of the “ghost unselected” feature to make highlighted entities