Checks for limiting parameters (pile cap:EC2)

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Checks for limiting parameters (pile cap:EC2)

Check for distance of pile cap overhang

Check pile edge distance "e" for pile "i" in a pile group for both directions:

The check passes if:

If min ei > emin,user

Check for minimum pile spacing

Check centre to centre spacing "s" between piles "i" and "j" in a pile group:

The check passes if:

If sij > smin,user


smin,user = user input

Check for maximum pile spacing

Check centre to centre maximum spacing "s" between piles "i" and "j" in a pile group:

The check passes if:

If sij < smax,user

smax,user = user input

Other checks

The remaining checks are identical to those for pad bases, see: Design parameters for longitudinal bars (concrete beam and slab: EC2)

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