Clear Tekla Tedds Data (command)

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Clear Tekla Tedds Data (command)

Command Description
Clear Tekla Tedds Data


Clears all existing data from all the associated Tekla Tedds calculations in the model.


Clears all existing data from the associated Tekla Tedds calculation for the highlighted member.


Clears all existing data from the associated Tekla Tedds calculation for the group to which the highlighted member belongs.


Clears all existing data from the associated Tekla Tedds calculation for the selected members.

<Substructure name>

This extra option becomes available when working in a sub structure - Clears all existing data from the associated Tekla Tedds calculation for the selected sub structure members.

Note: If you change the Design Settings or section shape, you would need to clear the Tekla Tedds data from existing members in order for the new settings to apply when the members are redesigned.
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