Working collaboratively with Trimble Connect
Trimble Connect is a project collaboration tool allowing project stakeholders access to reliable, up-to-date project information. It is available as a cloud-based platform (Trimble Connect Web) and a Windows application (Trimble Connect for Windows). Projects are synchronized between the Windows app and the cloud.
Trimble Connect Project Explorer is used within Tekla Structural Designer to control the flow of information between the open model and a Trimble Connect project.
With Trimble Connect Project Explorer you can:
- link a Tekla Structural Designer model to a Trimble Connect project
- create and rename folders in a Trimble Connect project
- view a file list and rename files in a Trimble Connect project
- upload an IFC of the model to a Trimble Connect project
- upload drawings
- upload reports
Launch Trimble Connect Project Explorer
Link or unlink a project
To link to a project:
To unlink from a project:
Create folders, rename folders, rename files
You can only rename folders and files to which you have write access.
To create a folder:
- Right click in the Trimble Connect Project Explorer window.
- Select Create folder and enter the folder name.
To create a subfolder:
- Right click on an existing folder.
- Click Create folder and enter the folder name.
To rename a file or folder:
- Right click on the file/folder.
- Select Rename
Upload an IFC file of a model
Upload a multi-member drawing
Upload a single member drawing
Upload a model report
Upload a member report
Link a drawing or report to an existing IFC
When drawings and reports are uploaded they are automatically linked to an existing IFC file as long as the appropriate option is selected (Create link between model member and uploaded report / Create link between model member and uploaded drawing).
It is important to save the Tekla Structural Designer model after exporting the IFC to Trimble Connect so that the link between the two is stored in the TSD model.
Linking reports
Linking of reports occurs for member reports only. If there are 3 IFC objects associated with one member (eg a 3 span beam) there will be a link created on each of the 3 IFC objects.
Linking drawings
Linking of drawings occurs for member drawings only. If there are 3 IFC objects associated with one TSD member (eg a 3 span beam) there will be a link created on each of the 3 IFC objects.
Check linking progress in the Process Window

There are a few reasons why linking could be unsuccessful:
The member associated with the report/drawing does not exist in IFC model
Connection to the Trimble Connect project is lost
IFC model was not successfully uploaded
Open Trimble Connect to a model view for an IFC
Open Trimble Connect
To open Trimble Connect from the ribbon:
To open Trimble Connect from Trimble Connect Project Explorer: