How to control scene content
Different entity types have different levels of information associated with them. You can select how much of this information is displayed in each of the different scene views and view regimes. Scene content selections are saved independently with each scene view.
For example, in a Solver View regime, it is generally sufficient to represent beams by their insertion lines. However, in a Structural View regime, you are likely to also include their geometric outlines. In either of the views, you may also choose to display their direction arrows and possibly their reference texts also.
Open the Scene Content window
- Click the tab to expand the Scene Content window.
You can re-open it from the Windows tab of the ribbon.
Select items in the Scene Content window
- To view the sub categories of an entity category:
- Click the arrow sign on the left side of the category name.
- To view a category in the model view:
Select the checkbox on the left side of the category name.
- To hide a category in the model view:
- Clear the checkbox on the left side of the category name.
Note:If you hide an entity category, you can no longer perform some commands that affect that entity category.
For example, if you hide slab items, you cannot define slab or area loads on a floor because there are no slab panels to select.
- To adjust the information viewed in the model view:
Click the cell on the right side of the category name.
A list of possible details opens.
Select the details you want to view.
Click OK.
Reinstate the default Scene Content selections
You can discard your current selections and reinstate the default Scene Content selections at any time. This is done as follows:
- Close the current view.
- Re-open the view using the Structure tree.