Custom event sequences

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Custom event sequences

Custom event sequences are required to deal with different slab loading sequences, such as for the roof slab and special cases like transfer slabs.

A custom event sequence can be created via the Add button on the Event Sequences page (highlighted below).

Once it has been added and given a name you can then edit the Custom event sequence by selecting it in the list.

Editing a custom event sequence

When first added, a Custom Event Sequence is identical to the Model Event Sequence. It therefore needs to be edited to achieve the required slab loading sequence.

In the screenshot below, to create a custom event sequence for the roof we have edited the slab self weight load in the Cast slab 1 above and Cast slab 2 above events to 100% i.e. it is only supporting the roof slab self weight and not any extra propping load from any slabs above.

Custom Event Sequence ACI (US Imperial units)

Custom Event Sequence Eurocode (metric)

It should be noted that it is not possible to Add, Insert, Remove or change the order of Custom event sequences. It is also not possible to alter any item that is greyed out within the table. This includes events and loadcases. You can, however, edit the Load start time, Number of Exposed faces, Construction loads and the % of load to apply in the combinations (and if working to ACI: Ultimate Creep and Aging Coefficients; or if working to Eurocodes: Beta, Temperature, Relative Humidity). This could mean that careful consideration of the slab model event sequence is necessary to ensure any necessary events are included.

Assigning a custom event sequence to a submodel

When first added, a Custom Event Sequence is identical to the Model Event Sequence. It therefore needs to be edited to achieve the required slab loading sequence.

You can assign different event sequences to different submodels (slabs) using the Submodels page of the Load Event Sequence.

In the screenshot below, the slab model event sequence is assigned to all slabs, except the roof, which has its own custom event sequence defined.

Hence, when you run a rigorous slab deflection estimate on a selected slab, it runs the Load Event Sequence specified on the Submodel page above.

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