2021 SP3: Embodied Carbon - New Charts View

The charts can be configured via a comprehensive set of Settings - for example you can choose to show values or not and, when values are enabled, report total embodied carbon by amount or by relative %. The picture below shows the “Embodied Carbon by Construction Type” pie chart configured to display relative % values.

The “Embodied Carbon by Level” bar chart also has automatic group and sort options. The picture below shows this chart configured to display results grouped by construction type and sorted by carbon mass, with carbon mass values and units included.

Reports - the new charts can also be included in Reports, with the same settings as applied in chart views all available as report settings. To include a chart in a report:
As shown in the picture below, add the new “Chart” report item to the report structure.
Right-click this, open the Chart Settings and select the chart type you want.
Click the options icon
and set the chart options you wish to use then OK and OK again.