2021 SP2: Embodied carbon - New reporting for piles and distribution by level

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

2021 SP2: Embodied carbon - New reporting for piles and distribution by level

The 2021 SP2 release features the following further enhancements for Embodied Carbon calculation and reporting:

  • [TSD-9407] - NEW - Reporting by Level

    New By Level reporting options are added for the Embodied Carbon Overview Tabular Results, enabling more effective review of the distribution of totals to levels.
  • [TSD-9408] - NEW - Reporting For Piles

    The Embodied Carbon for piles of both pile caps and piled foundation mats can now be calculated, reviewed and reported. New pile material information settings are added to enable this.
  • [TSD-9408, 9748 & 9763] - Interoperability of Pile Data
  • The new Pile material properties and Embodied Carbon values are also included in the exports to Structural BIM (CXL file) and IFC. The One Click LCA report is also updated to report the material type and reinforcement mass of piles.

Reporting by level

Following customer feedback and requests, the Embodied Carbon Overview is enhanced to meet the requirement for a report that includes all items between one level and another, improving the reporting of the Embodied Carbon Mass (ECM) on a by level basis.

  • Thus for example, the Level St. 1 report row will include everything above foundation level up to and including items in Level 1, and so on, as illustrated in the picture below.

  • A total floored area is determined for each level and hence the embodied carbon per unit area can be reported for each storey height of the building.

    • Note that this new feature works together with the Level Property “Reporting Level” shown above left, which is enabled by default for levels set as Floors. However it can be checked off e.g. where for some modeling reason many closely spaced floor levels have been defined. Note the following:

      • The “Reporting Level” setting applies to other summary reports such as the drift checks.

      • Previously this setting was called “Check for drift” which was sometimes misinterpreted as a control that switched checks on and off.

  • Group by Level and Construction Type - consider the building shown above with three identical levels. The picture below shows the Embodied Carbon Overview table with the new “Group by Level & Construction Type” option selected. It can be seen that the tables ECM values sum to the same overall total given in the Review View > Embodied Carbon Show/Alter State view.
    • Note the following:

      • As expected items that exist in the identical level planes have identical ECM (e.g. the composite slabs)

      • Note that items which exist between the planes are also assigned to a level:

        • E.g. column stacks, braces and wind walls

        • these can be different at each level

      • Items that exist between reporting levels are assigned to the level above:

        • E.g. the top story braces and top stacks of columns are assigned to level 3.

      • Beam spans, column stacks and structural wall panels are not split between levels - they are assigned to one level based on their highest point e.g. if a beam started below level 2 and finished above it, then it is assigned to level 3.

        • Wind Walls are split and shared between levels as appropriate.

  • By Level - Summary - this option gives a single grand total ECM for each level as shown in the picture below for the same building.

    • The floored area is the total area of slab items included in the level total (not necessarily all in a single plane)

    • Hence an ECM per unit area is given for each level and then an overall total for the building is given at the bottom.
  • The picture below shows the report for the same building after switching off the “Reporting level” checkbox at Levels 1 and 3. Note the following:

    • Everything that was in St.1 and St.2 is now combined in the St.2 totals

    • St.2 becomes the highest designated reporting level. However everything above that level must be assigned to something so a “Top” level is used for that.

    • The overall totals are unaffected.
  • Reports - two new Report Chapters are added for these new options enabling them to be included in Reports, as shown in the picture below.

    • For new models created in this release and onwards, the default Embodied Carbon report content is changed to include the new Overview by Level followed by the existing Overview by Construction Type.

Reporting for piles

  • To enable this the Pile Catalogue data is enhanced with a new Material page as shown in the picture below. Note particularly the following settings:

    • The Volume adjustment % option - default 100%.

      • This option is included since there are many and varied piling systems. While a theoretical diameter and length is specified, in practice these can be minimums or approximations. Hence this setting enables an adjustment to be made to cater for different systems e.g. an in-situ under-reamed piling system might be given an adjustment >> 100%

    • The Volume % for the amount of reinforcement in the pile - default 0%. See below for more on this option.
  • Initially piles will not have Embodied Carbon Factors (ECF) applied. This will be clearly apparent in the ECF dialog and Review as shown in the picture below - the ECF dialog note listing the number of entities with factors applied vs the total number will be colored red highlighting the discrepancy.
  • There are then two basic options for applying ECF’s to piles:

    • Use a single ECF for both pile concrete and reinforcement - as currently for precast entities. Using either the existing precast ECF, or adding your own specifically for piles, set the pile entity type to be active for the chosen ECF(s) as shown in the picture below. When you have done so the ECF dialog will list the number of entities - i.e piles - this is assigned to.
    • Alternatively you can use separate ECF’s for the pile concrete and reinforcement by 1) setting a value for the Volume % for the amount of reinforcement in the piles in the Pile Catalogue as noted above and 2) setting the pile entity type to be active for one or more concrete ECF’s and one or more reinforcement ECFs as shown in the picture below.
    • You can then assess and review the Embodied Carbon Mass contribution of the pile reinforcement, for example in the Embodied Carbon Detail report for piles as shown below.
    • You can also use the Pile entity type filter when viewing Embodied Carbon in the Review View > Show/Alter State to see the distribution and the overall total in the piles as shown below.

Interoperability of Pile Data

The new Pile material properties and Embodied Carbon values are also included in a number of interoperability methods as follows:

  • [TSD-9748 & 9763] - Structural BIM (CXL file) Export and Import - this applies to integration with both Tekla Structures and Revit using the Structural BIM CXL file.

    • Pile material and grade is included on export (previously it was set to same grade as related pile cap / mat)

    • Embodied carbon values are also exported. These can then be reviewed in the BIM application, e.g. as shown in the picture below for Tekla Structures the information is populated to the object’s TSD values which can be viewed via Inquire Object and included in Tekla Structures entity labels and output.

    • Pile material, grade and type are also considered when updating an existing Tekla Structural Designer model and importing to a new model file.

  • [TSD-9763] - Export to IFC - this applies both to export direct to IFC file and when an IFC file is uploaded to a Trimble Connect Project.

    • Pile material and grade is included

  • [TSD-9408 & 9764] - One Click LCA:

    • Pile material and grade is added to the One Click LCA export data/ Report.

    • Reinforcement information is also added where applicable.

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