Loading dialog box

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Loading dialog box


The Loading dialog box is used to define loadcases, load groups, combinations and envelopes.


On the Load tab, click:

  • Loadcases - to open the dialog on the Loadcases page.
  • Load Groups to open the dialog on the Load Groups page.
  • Combination- to open the dialog on the Combinations page.
  • Envelope- to open the dialog on the Envelopes page.


1. Loadcases

Loadcases table

Select Loadcases in the left hand pane to show a table of loadcases that have been defined.

You can click within the table to:

  • Rename a Loadcase Title.
  • Change the type of a loadcase.
  • Choose whether the "Self weight excluding slabs" and Slab self weight" cases are to be calculated automatically, or defined manually.
  • Choose which cases are to be included when generating the load combinations.
  • Apply reductions to live/imposed cases.
  • Apply pattern loading to live/imposed cases.

Using the buttons you can:

  • Add a new loadcase to the table.
  • Copy an existing loadcase.
  • Delete an existing loadcase.
  • Reorder to move loadcases up or down the table.
  • Import... loadcases from a spreadsheet.

Loadcase parameters

Select an individual loadcase in the left hand pane to show parameters specifically applicable to that loadcase.

Certain values can only be specified by selecting individual loadcases, for example:

  • For dead loadcases: Prior to Brittle Finishes % .
  • For live/imposed loadcases: Long Term % .

See also

Create and manage loadcases

2. Load Groups

Load Groups table

Select Load Groups in the left hand pane to show a table of any load groups that have been defined.

Click within the table to:

  • Rename a load group title.
  • Set the load group class as Inclusive, or Exclusive.
  • Choose whether the load group is to be included in the generator.

Using the buttons you can:

  • Add a new load group in the table.
  • Copy an existing load group.
  • Delete an existing load group.
  • Reorder to move load groups up or down the table.
  • Import... load groups from a spreadsheet.

Load group parameters

Select an individual load group in the left hand pane to set up the load group content.

The load group class is set as Inclusive, or Exclusive.

The loadcases/load groups currently in the load group are shown in the Included list.

Use the [>>] and [<<] buttons to add or remove loadcases/load groups from the Available list to the Included list.

See also

Create load groups

3. Combinations

Combinations table

Select Combinations in the left hand pane to show a table of combinations that have already been defined or generated.

You can click within the table to:

  • Rename a combination title.
  • Change the class of a combination.
  • Choose the gravity combination to be used for any steel beam camber calculations.
  • Choose which combinations are active for analysis and design.
  • Choose which active combinations are to be assessed for strength.
  • Choose which active combinations are to be assessed for service.

Using the buttons you can:

  • Add a new combination in the table.
  • Copy an existing combination.
  • Delete an existing combination.
  • Reorder to move combinations up or down the table.
  • Import... combinations from a spreadsheet.

Combination parameters

Select an individual combination in the left hand pane to show the parameters specifically applicable to that combination only.

The tabbed boxes are used to set:

  • Parameters: (Active, Pattern, Strength and Service).
  • Type: Head code dependent type settings:
    • US head code - ACI/LRFD or ASD.
    • Eurocode - Formula type (STR, EQU, GEO)
    • India - Limit State or Working Stress
    • BS & Australia - not applicable
  • Second order effects: the amplification factor, its direction, and whether it is applied to all loads or lateral loads only.
  • Timber design: (US and Eurocodes only) the load duration/time effect factor.

The loadcases currently in the combination and the strength and serviceability factors that apply are shown in the Included list.

  • Use the [>>] and [<<] buttons to add or remove loadcases from the Available Loadcases list to the Included list.
  • In the Strength column specify the strength factors.
  • In the Service column specify the service factors.

See also

Create and manage load combinations

6. Envelopes

Envelopes table

Select Envelopes in the left hand pane to show a table of any envelopes that have been defined.

Using the buttons you can:

  • Add a new envelope in the table.
  • Copy an existing highlighted envelope.
  • Delete an existing highlighted envelope.
  • Reorder to move envelopes up or down the table.
  • Import... to import envelopes from a spreadsheet.

Envelope parameters

Select an individual envelope in the left hand pane to set up the envelope content.

The combinations currently in the envelope are shown in the Included list.

Use the [>>] and [<<] buttons to add or remove combinations from the Available Combinations list to the Included list.

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