Bearing wall properties

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Bearing wall properties

Name The automatically generated name.
User Name Can be used to override the automatically generated name if required.
Top Level Specifies the top level for the wall.
Base Level Specifies the bottom level for the wall.
Wall Type Bearing Wall
Note: Bearing walls must be rectangular in a vertical plane.
Material Type
Choice of:
  • Concrete
  • Timber
  • General
Assume extra floors supported Enter the number of extra floors supported.
AutomaticGenerate Support

• Cleared - a support will only be created if the Generate support property is checked.

• Checked - a support will only be created if no members/slabs capable of providing support exist under the wall.

Generate support

• Cleared - no support is created under the wall.

• Checked - a support is created under the wall.

Note: When a support is created, a line support is formed under a meshed wall, a point support under a mid-pier wall, and a series of point supports under a bearing wall.
Note: When a support is created, its degrees of freedom are as specified in the ‘Wall support’ area of the wall properties.
Plane Indicates the grid along which the wall is placed.
All panels
Concrete type While you can apply both normal and lightweight concrete, wall design using lightweight concrete is currently beyond scope.
Grade The grades available here are set from the Materials button on the Home ribbon.
Note: The grade is only required to specify the correct density to be used in the wall self weight calculation.
Thickness The thickness of the wall.
Note: The thickness is only required for the wall self weight calculation.

Alignment of the wall:

  • Front
  • Back
  • Middle
  • User
Alignment offset When the alignment is set to User it can be adjusted by specifying an exact offset.
Wall support

(Fx/Fy/Fz, Mx/My/Mz)

Used to specify the translational and rotational degrees of freedom in which the support acts:

• Fixed - indicates the support is fixed in the specified direction.

• Free - indicates the support is free to move, or has a stiffness applied in the specified direction.

Translational stiffnesses (x/y/z)

Used to specify the translational stiffness applied in a direction that is not fixed:

• Release

• Spring Linear

• Spring Non-linear

Rotational stiffnesses (x/y/z)

Used to specify the rotational stiffness applied in a direction that is not fixed:

• Release

• Spring Linear

• Spring Non-linear

Panel 1, 2, 3 etc.

In a multi-stack wall properties can be entered for a specific panel, over-riding those defined at the All panels level.

Count the floor as being supported

Top level

(Interediate levels)

Base level

(Head Code Eurocode, BS or IS)

If checked, the floor will be treated as supported when calculating the live/imposed load reductions.


Used to indicate at which levels the wall is restrained.

Note: Only levels with a connecting member are listed.







A customizable list of the attributes that can be applied to individual members and panels.

See: Create and manage user-defined attributes

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