Line ancillary properties

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Line ancillary properties

Name The automatically generated name for the ancillary.
User Name Can be used to override the automatically generated name if required.
Width, W Width of ancillary
The following types are available:
  • Walkways/catwalks1
  • Ladders with cage
  • Ladders without cage
  • Access platforms1
  • Operating platforms (storage laydown)1
  • Operating platforms (standard)1
  • Steel stair flight/landing2
  • Concrete stair flight/landing3
  • Timber stair flight/landing3
  • Lines of pipework4
  • Lines of cable tray5
  • Other

1 These types expose the Guardrail flag below.

2 This type exposes the Measuring property and Guardrail + channel height, H1 value below.

3 These types expose the Guardrail height, H1 value below.

4 This type exposes the Category and Diameter of largest pipe values below.

5 This type exposes the Category and Height of Cable Tray values below.

Default Load Values If this option is selected, load values for the selected type (with or without guardrail) are obtained from Model Settings > Loading, if unselected, load values can be entered directly.
Dead Load Load to be created in the Ancillary Dead loadcase
Live (Imposed) Load Load to be created in the Ancillary Live (Imposed) loadcase
Measuring (Live/Imposed) For stairs choose whether the live/imposed load is a vertically projected load, or measured along the element.
Live (Imposed) Load loadcase

If working to Eurocodes, some ancillaries may require different Ψ and ɸ factors in which case a new loadcase should be manually added with the desired factors.

To create the load in the new loadcase select it here.

Empty Load Load to be created in the Pipework Empty, or Cable Tray Emptyloadcase
Operating Content Load Load to be created in the Pipework Empty, or Cable Tray Emptyloadcase
Operating Content Load loadcase

If working to Eurocodes, some cable trays may require different Ψ and ɸ factors in which case a new operating content loadcase should be manually added with the desired factors.

To create the load in the new loadcase select it here.

Testing Content Load Load to be created in the Pipework Testing Content loadcase
Category For cable trays and pipework, the default load values from Model Settings > Loading are those for the selected category.
Guardrail If this option is selected, the default load values from Model Settings > Loading are those for the selected type with guardrail.
Guardrail height, H1 The value specified here is used in the calculation of wind loads on open structures seen by the ancillary.
Guardrail + channel height, H1 The value specified here is used in the calculation of wind loads on open structures seen by the ancillary.
Height of cable tray, H The value specified here is used in the calculation of wind loads on open structures seen by the ancillary.
Diameter of largest pipe The value specified here is used in the calculation of wind loads on open structures seen by the ancillary.
Height, H The value specified here is used in the calculation of wind loads on open structures seen by the ancillary.
Wind loading
Apply open structure wind load

Select this flag if you want open structure wind loads to be calculated.

For more information, see: Open structure wind loads

Shape factor, Cf The default shape factor varies according to the entity type and is taken from Model Settings > Loading > Wind Loading
Note: Default Cf factors are taken from the document ‘Wind Loads For Petrochemical And Other Industrial Facilities’ published by ASCE.
Effective area XY
Formula The default effective area formula varies according to the entity type and is taken from Model Settings > Loading > Wind Loading
Factor The factor used in the above formula can be edited if required.
Effective area XZ
Formula The default effective area formula varies according to the entity type and is taken from Model Settings > Loading > Wind Loading
Factor The factor used in the above formula can be edited if required.
Reverse For lines of pipework/cable trays the height is displayed and it can be visually reversed by checking this flag.
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