Apply wind loading

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Apply wind loading

Wind loads can be applied to a Tekla Structural Designer model in a variety of ways.

The most appropriate method to use will generally depend on the type and complexity of the structure.

Automatic generation of wind loads using the wind wizard

  • This method determines detailed local pressures on panels
  • It is country / code specific (not supported for all locations) - in such cases the "simple wind loads" method below is applicable.
  • Some users feel it is more time consuming and detailed than is necessary for overall building load consideration - in such cases the "simple wind loads" method below may be preferable.
  • Optionally, it can also be used to apply open structure wind loads
  • Optionally, for the US head code, it can also be used to generate minimum design wind loads.

For further details, see: Wind wizard pressure loading

The simple wind loads method

  • A user defined simple pressure loading profile
  • Includes a "Paste" option to easily apply a height varying pressure profile
  • Includes two load application options:
    • Apply to diaphragms (requires the existence of diaphragms)
    • Apply to all windward wall panels, and all items marked as "open structure" within the extents of the load projection.
  • Potentially could be used where wind load is derived from testing, but generally diaphragm loading is used for this.

For further details, see: Simple wind pressure loading

Manually applied wind loads

  • Wind loads can be manually applied to any member, panel, or diaphragm (as panel, member, nodal, or diaphragm loads)
  • Diaphragm loading is commonly used to apply the loads returned from wind tunnel testing, copy/paste functionality supports the rapid application of such loading.

For further details, see: Manual wind loads

Open structure wind loads

  • When working on an open structure, wind loads can be applied directly to members, ancillaries and equipment via their properties. In this case the wind pressures used to calculate the open structure wind loads can either be determined using the wind wizard, or using simple wind loads.

For further details, see: Open structure wind loads

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