Instructions for applying simple wind loads to wall/roof panels and open structure members

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Instructions for applying simple wind loads to wall/roof panels and open structure members

When working with simple wind pressure loads that you want to apply to wall/roof panels and/or open structure members you will be required to perform some or all of the following tasks:

Set open structure entities to have wind load applied

Note: This stage is only required if you are applying simple wind loads to open structure entities (I.e. structural C or equipment). If you are applying simple wind loads to wall/roof panels you do not need to select them - you can skip this stage.
  1. Select the structural members, ancillaries, or equipment to which the load is to be applied.
  2. In the Properties window, under Wind loading, select Apply open structure wind load

    The above property is already selected by default for ancillaries and equipment, (but can be deselected if required).

    Tip: Instead of setting the above via the Properties window, it can be set graphically via Show/Alter State > Wind Loading.

    For members/ancillaries, once Apply open structure wind loadhas been selected, additional properties become available to allow the default shape factor and effective area factors used in the wind load calculation to be customized if required. For members, these properties can either be set for all stacks/spans, or individual stacks/spans.

Create loadcases for simple wind loads

  1. On the Load tab, click Loadcases.

    The Loading dialog box opens.

  2. On the Loadcases page, click Add.
  3. Name the new loadcase.
  4. Set the type to Wind.
  5. Click OK.

Create simple wind loads

Restriction: You can only create simple wind loads in the Structure 3D view.
Note: In order access the Simple Wind Loading dialog box, you must first create and select the loadcase where you want to add the simple wind loads.
  1. In the Loading list, select a manually created wind loadcase.
  2. On the Load tab, click Simple Wind.
  3. In the model, click to define the start point of the load width.
  4. Click to define the end point of the load width.

    The Simple Wind Loading dialog box opens. The dialog box allows you to specify a single area wind load from the lowest level of the building up to the highest level that contains a rigid diaphragm.

    Tip: The wind load does not have to begin at the lowest level of the building.

    If you have one or more levels below ground, you can adjust the value of the lowest level in the Simple Wind Loading dialog box.

  5. In the Apply to droplist, select Wall/Roof Panels & Open Structure Members
  6. Select the required Pressure option from the droplist.
  7. Choose whether to extend the wind to the top the building.
  8. Choose whether to extend the wind across the building width.
  9. Specify the required load profile manually, or paste the load profile from a spreadsheet.
  10. To manually create a stepped profile up the height of the building, use the Insert Above, Insert Below, Quick Above... and Quick Below... buttons and then specify the load for each level.
  11. When the load is complete, click OK.

Modify simple wind load vertical properties

  1. Double-click anywhere in an existing simple wind load.
  2. Modify the load properties according to your needs.
  3. Click OK.

Modify the simple wind load width

  1. Select the simple wind load that you want to modify.
  2. Select one of the two nodes that define the load width.
  3. Click where you want to move the selected node.

    Tekla Structural Designer moves the selected node to the new location, and regenerates the load.

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