View and modify model properties in the Project Workspace
The Structure tree organizes the model geometry in a hierarchical way. It also allows you to view and modify model properties.
When you open a new model, the Structure tree contains two sub-branches: Levels and Sub Models. As the model geometry develops new branches are added, as shown above.
When a branch or sub-branch is selected, the common properties of the selected branch are viewed in the Properties window. You can then modify the common properties in the Properties window.
View and modify structure properties
Structure properties, or building parameters, control the principal direction and default meshing properties of the building.
View and modify construction level properties
To | Do this |
View and modify the properties common to all construction levels |
View and modify the parameters of a single construction level |
View and modify frame properties
The Frames branch is added in the Structure tree when you create the first frame in the model.
View and modify the slope properties
The Slopes branch is added in the Structure tree when you create the first frame in the model.
View and modify grid properties
To | Do this |
Modify the color, name, or visibility of a grid |
Renumber all grids |
View and modify sub model properties
View and modify sub structure properties
View and modify member properties
Tekla Structural Designer classifies members by material and type, and further by fabrication and by shape. Members are classified by material and type, then further classified by fabrication and then by shape.
To | Do this |
View and modify common properties for members of a particular type and fabrication |
View and modify common properties for members of a particular type, fabrication and shape |
View and modify the properties of an individual member |
View a member in a new window, select it in visible views, delete it, or modify it in the Properties dialog box |
View and modify slab properties
To | Do this |
View and modify properties common to all slabs |
View and modify the properties of a parent slab |
Modify the properties of a parent slab, or delete it |
View and modify the properties of a slab item |