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Upgrade Tekla Structural Designer to a new version
Upgrade Tekla Structural Designer to a new version
You can have multiple Tekla Structural Designer versions on your computer. When you install a new version you are not required to immediately uninstall the previous version.
Service packs are cumulative updates, which replace the previous service pack installation for the same Tekla Structural Designer version. So you should only have the latest service pack installed per version.
Licensing information specific to Tekla Structural Designer 2020
Upgrade Licenses - Tekla Structural Designer 2020 will require the activation of a new license. You should already be in possession of your Product Activation Key (PAK) as these are usually distributed prior to the software release. Please contact your local Service Department now if you do not have your PAK. To minimise any down time we advise that your PAK is activated BEFORE installing Tekla Structural Designer 2020.
- License Server Version - the Tekla Structural License Service must be updated to the new version 3.00.0001 (incorporating Sentinel RMS 9.5) to be compatible with this release. Licensing will not function correctly if this update is not performed! Please see this article for more information about this, and see System Requirements for specific version details.
- Subscription Licenses & Tekla Online Licensing - if you have switched to subscription licensing select the new Tekla Online License Method when installing the program as shown in the picture below. Please note the following:
You can download the installation package for Tekla Structural Designer 2020 from the Tekla Downloads service.
Install the upgrade
Complete the upgrade in this general order (follow the links in the text for detailed instructions):
Install and license Tekla Structural Designer as if you were a new user.
Upgrade your local databases
Note: In the Tekla Structural Designer 2020 release and for future releases, the local database is now version-specific. A version directory (called “20.0” for this release) is added to the local database directory which is located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Tekla\Tekla Structural Designer\Database. A copy of the current local Database from your previous version will be made in the version-specific directory.When you first run Tekla Structural Designer 2020 a message informing you that new databases are available will be displayed in the Process Window as shown below.
These should be upgraded as detailed below.
- Open “Materials” from the Home Ribbon
- Select the “Sections” page in the list of options
- Click the “Upgrade” button, then click this button again in the subsequent “Upgrade Database” dialog
- Repeat this process for all the other databases (Material, Reinforcement...etc ) to ensure all your databases are up to date.
Transfer Connection Resistances
In Tekla Structural Designer 2020 the Connection Resistance check and associated data has been considerably expanded to include such information as steel grade (of supported beam) number of bolt rows & lines etc. If you have added your own Connection Resistance values in a previous release, the following action is required:
When Tekla Structural Designer 2020 is run for the first time, existing Connection Resistance data will be imported and listed in the new Connection Resistance dialog and flagged with a warning status as requiring review/ updating (see pictures below).
As shown below, use the Edit buttons to review/ set the Connection Resistance data as follows:
Select each imported Connection Type then click the Edit… button below this section of the dialog to review then set/ confirm the required data; Steel Grade and number of notches and bolt lines.
Then for each row of the Resistances table for each type, click the Edit… button below this table to review/ set the number of Bolt Rows
Engineers using India or US head codes with connection resistance data from a previous version will see a query at the point of Upgrading the database asking if they want to import the data for ASD/Working Stress, or LRFD/Limit State, or both as shown below.
- During the data transfer and Upgrade the value of parameters for ‘old’ beam data are assigned based on defaults as follows:
Eurocodes: Grade S355, # Notches 0, # Bolt Lines 1.
US codes: Fy Any, Coping None, # Bolt Lines 1, Bolt Diameter 3/4 in (20 mm), Thickness 1/4 in (6.4 mm).
IS codes: Grade Fe 410, # Notches 0, # Bolt Lines 1.
AS codes: Grade 300 (AS/NZS 3679.1), # Notches 0, # Bolt Lines 1.
BS codes these: Grade S355, # Notches 0, # Bolt Lines 1.