Although it is possible to design portal frame connections in Tekla Structural Designer - i.e. Base Plate, Eaves, and Apex moment connections; it should be noted that the design forces used for connection design within Tekla Structural Designer are those from its own elastic analysis and may not be appropriate.
A more correct approach would be to derive the connection forces from a Tekla Portal Frame Designer plastic analysis. To do this you would need to export the portal frame to Tekla Portal Frame Designer and then design both the frame and its connections within Tekla Portal Frame Designer.
Note that it in addition to the connection forces (usually) being fundamentally different between Tekla Portal Frame Designer and Tekla Structural Designer there are other potential differences also:
- for eaves connections - in Tekla Portal Frame Designer the connection design forces are taken at the column face (rather than the rafter/column intersection),
- for column bases - in Tekla Portal Frame Designer they can be pinned at ULS but % fixity can be taken for SLS, while Tekla Structural Designer will always give an analysis moment for % fixity regardless of ULS/SLS and this moment would be designed for.
Note: Connection design via Tekla Portal Frame Designer requires both a Tekla Portal Frame Designer and a Tekla Connection Designer licence.