Export purchase orders to Timberline or Sage 300 CRE

Tekla PowerFab
Modified: 8 Mar 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Export purchase orders to Timberline or Sage 300 CRE

You can export the items in your purchase orders to text files for Timberline, or Sage 300 CRE. If needed, you can select to only export items that have been received in the inventory or items that are on particular purchase orders.

  1. At the top of the Tekla PowerFab window, click the Purchasing button.
  2. If you only want to export particular purchase orders, select them in the Select Requisition/Purchase Order dialog box.

    To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl.

    To select a range of subsequent items, hold down Shift.

  3. Click the Purchasing ribbon tab.
  4. On the menu, select Export Purchase Orders > Timberline / Sage 300 CRE.
  5. In the Export Purchase Orders to Timberline dialog box, define how you want to import the items:



    Export Received Items Only

    When selected, only items that have been received in the inventory are exported.

    When cleared, all items are exported.

    You can define the range of dates between which the exported items have been received. To do so, enter the dates in the Date Received Minimum and Maximum fields.

    Export Selected Purchase Orders Only

    When selected, only items in the purchase orders that are selected in the Select Requisition/Purchase Order dialog box are exported.

    When cleared, items in all purchase orders are exported.

    Date Received Minimum

    The earliest receiving date of the items that are exported.

    Note: This option is only available if the Export Received Items Only checkbox is selected.


    The latest receiving date of the items that are exported.

    Note: This option is only available if the Export Received Items Only checkbox is selected.


    When selected, any purchase orders that have been previously exported are ignored in the export. This ensures that the same purchase orders are not exported multiple times.

    Date Format

    Allows you to select the date format that you want to use in the exported file.

    Job # Export Option

    Defines how the job number is shown in the exported file. You can select from the following:

    • Leave the job number unchanged and use the original job number.
    • Replace any digits after the first 4 digits with zeros.
    • Use both the job number and the existing sequence numbers.
    Replace Job # if Cost Code Matches

    When selected, the job number is replaced with text that you define if it matches the cost code defined in the Cost Code list. When cleared, the job number is never replaced.

    Cost Code

    The cost code that the job number needs to match to be replaced. The replacement text is defined in the Job # Replacement field.

    Job # Replacement

    The text with which you to replace the job number.

    Sort Lines

    Allows you to select how items are sorted in the exported file. The options are:

    • Item Details: The items are sorted by their properties. This is the default option.
    • Item # Only: The items are sorted by item number.
    Split Lines based on

    Allows you to select how items are split on different lines in the exported file. The options are:

    • Item Details Only: Items with similar properties are considered the same item, and therefore, the items are placed on the same line.
    • Item Details and Comments: Items that have different information in the Comment field are considered different items, and therefore, the items are split on different lines.
    Include Grade in Description

    When selected, the material grade is included in the material description.

    Export Filename

    The location where the exported file is saved and the name of the exported file.

    To modify the export location and the filename:

    1. Click the ... button on the right side of the Export Filename field.
    2. In the Open dialog box, browse to the folder where you want to save the file..
    3. If necessary, change the file name.
    4. Click Open.
  6. Click Export Purchase Orders.

The exported text file is saved in the location that you defined.

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