Export CNC files and drawings
When you send requisitions or purchase orders to a supplier, you can export CNC files and associated drawings as part of the package. This is especially useful for cut-to-size orders that are fully processed by the suppliers. For example, many fabricators fully subcontract the processing of their detailed material, such as connection plates and angles. Providing the CNC files and associated drawings with the purchase order eliminates a manual step for these fabricators.
- In an open requisition or purchase order, select the items whose attached CNC files you want to export, or use the navigation tree to filter the items, so that only the items whose attached CNC files you want to export are shown.
Depending on where you are, do any of the following:
- In an open purchase order, click the Purchase Order ribbon tab.
- In an open requisition, click the Requisition ribbon tab.
On the menu, do one of the
Do this
Export CNC files attached to selected items - Select Export Files > Export CNC Files - Selected.
Export CNC files attached to items currently shown in the display area - Select Export Files > Export CNC Files - Displayed.
Export drawings attached to selected items - Select Export Files > Export Drawings - Selected.
Export drawings attached to items currently shown in the display area - Select Export Files > Export Drawings - Displayed.
Export CNC files and drawings attached to selected items
- Select Export Files > Export CNC and Drawings - Selected.
Export CNC files and drawings attached to items currently shown in the display area
- Select Export Files > Export CNC and Drawings - Displayed.
Save the file on your
The default export folder is set in the Default Directories dialog box.