Create user-defined reports for customizing
In Tekla PowerFab you can customize the reports themselves and the reports that individual users see.
- In the module of your selection, go to the associated ribbon tab.
On the
menu, select Reports or press Ctrl+R on the keyboard.
The Report Filters dialog box opens.
- Click Make Report.
In the upper-left corner of the dialog box, click Edit
Report Types.
The Report Types dialog box opens.
Click User-Defined Reports.
The User-Defined Reports dialog box opens.
Click New.
The Select Base Report dialog box opens.
Double-click the report that you
want to use as the basis of the new report.
The User-Defined Reports dialog box opens.
The base report contains all the correct tables and information for the new report. Therefore, select an existing report and modify it.
If another party creates a user-defined report from within the program, the report template file name that you have received indicates which base report you must select.
When you have selected the base report, the file name of the base report appears at the bottom of the User-Defined Reports dialog box.
- Type the desired name and title for the new report.
- In the Filename field, type the desired file name for the new report.
- Click Add.
To close the User-Defined Reports dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.
You return to the Report Types dialog box.
- Click the > button to move the customized report to the Included list on the right.
- Click Edit to save the changes.
If the file was created from an
outside source, save the new report template in the Custom
Report folder with the file name that you defined in the User-Defined Reports dialog box.
This overwrites the report file name created for the new report that was displayed in the User-Defined Reports dialog box.
The customized report is now available in Tekla PowerFab.