Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor

The Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor is a graphical user interface for setting up and managing Tekla PowerFab Remote Server service.

Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor reports the following details in real-time:

Item Description Output example
Remote Server Status

The current status of the service.

If the service is running, shows the TCP port that the service is listening for connections.

The service is not running.

The service is running. Running - Port 9154.

Uptime The time in hours, minutes, and seconds that the service has been active. 145:35:46
Connection SSL Cipher

Indicates whether Tekla PowerFab Remote Server is connected to the MySQL database via an encrypted connection.

If Tekla PowerFab does not use encryption for its ODBC connection, this will be blank.

Total Remote Connections The total number of connections that have been made during the time that the service has been active. 154
Current Remote Connections The count of connections that are currently active. 17
Total Commands

The total number of XML/JSON commands that have transacted during the time that the service has been active.

Current Sockets The number of TCP sockets that are currently active. 4
Total Sockets The total number of TCP sockets that have been created during the time that the service has been active. 876

Remote Monitor Service Log File

The service log contains information on the Remote Server service, such as connection to the Tekla PowerFab MySQL database and Trimble Identity sign-in.

The service log can be viewed by clicking the Service Log File button or by clicking the RemoteServerError.txt file in the program installation folder.

Remote Monitor Socket Log File

The socket log file contains information on the traffic transactions over the TCP socket (user connection). This can be logged at varying levels of detail. For further information on the levels and how to change them, see the Socket section of the Tekla PowerFab Remote Server Settings.

The latest socket log can be viewed by clicking the Socket Log File button. The latest and historical socket logs can also be found in the Log subfolder of the program installation directory. These files have the naming structure of remote-server-log-<Remote Service name>-<YYYYMMDD>.log.

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