Estimate summary

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Estimate summary

The estimate summary allows you to see the planned and actual estimates in real time, to input and modify items, and to fully control your final results without leaving the estimate job.

You can view the real-time final estimate results when you are viewing the estimate job. While in the summary, you can view and modify data that affect the final numbers. You can enter, override, and remove fields. You can enter fields manually or by selecting commonly used items (estimate additional items) from a drop-down list.

You can group the data efficiently and view the summary by cost codes and cost types.

  • Estimate summary is available only to customers that have a Tekla PowerFab Office license.
  • The Administrator must add the user's PowerFab Go Site Address in File > Administration. See Define Tekla PowerFab administration settings.
  • The user must have a Tekla PowerFab subscription.

Open a live summary

  1. Open a estimating job.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • In the Estimating dialog box, click Estimate Summary.
    • On the Estimating ribbon tab, click Estimate Summary.

    The Estimate Summary dialog box opens in view mode.

    (1) Information on the estimate. To view the details, click the three dots.

    (2) Edit mode: To change from view mode to edit mode, toggle the switch.

    (3) Plus button: Add lines

    (4) Clear override

    (5) Download the summary in Excel format

    (6) Select the view: Summary, Cost Code, Cost Type, or

    (7) Change the view to dark mode

Modify a live summary

  1. Open a live summary
  2. To change from view mode to edit mode, toggle the Edit mode switch (2).

    The editable fields turn white. The read-only rows are grey.

  3. Add or modify the data.

    You can add line items by clicking the plus button (3). You can add an item manually or by selecting standard items from a drop-down list.

    The modified cells turn blue.

  4. Click Save changes.

    The changes you made are available in the estimate.

  5. To return a changed value back to the original, do the following:
    1. Click the changed value.

      A black dialog box (4) opens in the bottom-right corner.

    2. Click Clear Override.
    3. Click Save changes.

      The value returns back to the original one.

Create a standard item in estimate summary

You can create standard items that have default values. You can add these standard items from a drop-down list in estimate summaries. To create a new standard item, do the following:

  1. Go to Maintenance > Estimating > Estimate Summary Additional Items.

    The Estimate Summary Additional Items dialog box opens.

  2. Click New.
  3. Define the values for the item.

    If you leave Section empty, the item is available in all sections in the summary.

    To add a standard item to all new estimates, select Add to New Estimates.

  4. Click Add.

Download, save, and share the summary in Excel format

  • To download and save the summary in Microsoft Excel format, do the following:
    1. Click the dowload button (5) in the upper-right corner.
    2. To open the file, click Open file.

    3. Click Save.
  • To save the summary in .html format, print, or share the summary do the following:
    1. Right-click the summary.
    2. In the menu that opens, select the desired option.

    3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

You can also get the Full Estimate Summary report in PDF format.

Filter by cost code and cost type, and view averages

In addition to the default Summary view, you can group estimating details by cost code or cost type, and view averages.

  1. Estimate Summary.
  2. In Summary (6), open the drop-down list, and select the desired view.
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