Modify dimension properties

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Modify dimension properties

In the Dimension dialog box, you can modify the different properties of dimensions. These properties include the revaluation settings, the scrap length, and the combining settings. The values that you set in the Dimension dialog box are used for calculating material weight, pricing, and combining, so accuracy is important.

  1. In the shape list of the Shape / Grade / Size Maintenance dialog box, select a shape.
  2. Open the Dimensions tab.
  3. In the Dimension list, select the dimension whose settings you want to modify.
  4. Click Edit Dimension.
  5. In the Dimension dialog box, modify the dimension properties according to your needs.

    Note that the available and mandatory fields the Dimension dialog box vary according to the shape properties.

    1. In the Revaluation section, modify the revaluation properties according to your needs.

      The revaluation settings discount the drop material by length by applying a percentage of the drop cost to the job using the stock length.

      You can set the revaluation calculation to either a percentage of the original value or a price for each length by selecting an option in the Calc list. We recommend using the % option because it is easier to maintain.

      For example, the revaluation of a 15'-0 drop might be considered worth 80% of the original price, and 10'-0 might be worth 50%. These values are then used for evaluating the remaining stock materials in the inventory for accounting purposes.

      If you want all the drop material below a particular length to be charged to the job where the original length was used, you can type the desired length in the Charge Length field. If you want all drop material to be charged to the job, typing 60' in the Charge Length usually covers all items.

    2. In the Scrap section, change the scrap length.

      Use the scrap length settings to automatically keep your reserved items and open stock clear of unusable lengths. The material at scrap length or under is removed from the inventory and moved to the inventory history. The scrap information is handy in evaluating a project because it links to Project Summary report in Project Management. Scrap settings may vary according to material size and type.

    3. In the Combining section, modify the combining properties according to your needs.

      Use the Combining settings to automatically calculate any material length loss due to cutting and other manufacturing requirements. The values defined in the Combining section are added to the cut lengths for performing the combining run. Adding the waste involved with managing materials may help to prevent material shortages.

      Defining Combining settings is optional. If these settings are not defined, return to stock lengths can be adjusted within the Take From Stock process while working in the Production Control module or the Inventory module.

      Select the Clamp Allowance from Part check box to allow the clamp allowance to be included in any length of the part that exceeds the clamp allowance. For example, if 6" pieces cut are cut from a 20' piece that has a 24" clamp allowance, the 24" would be considered waste. However, if there was a 36" piece cut with the 6" pieces, the 24" clamp allowance would be part of the 36" piece.


      The Valid Scrap % field should only be used in conditions where extreme fine-tuning for the combining of materials is necessary. This setting is connected to the combining algorithms of Tekla EPM. Set Valid Scrap % to 0 unless the Tekla EPM Support instructs you otherwise.

  6. Click Save to update the dimension properties.
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