Export a request for pricing

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Export a request for pricing

A request for pricing allows you to get pricing from multiple suppliers. Use the Export Request for Pricing commands to save a request for pricing as an Microsoft Excel worksheet or a steelXML file and send it to suppliers. You can also attach the request for pricing to an email and send it to a supplier using Microsoft Outlook. Once you receive responses, you can import the suppliers' pricing information to Tekla EPM.

According to your needs, see any of the following instructions:

Save a request for pricing as a Microsoft Excel worksheet

  1. In the Requisition # dialog box, click the Requisition ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Export Request for Pricing > Export to Excel.
  3. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the folder where you want to save the file.

    By default, Tekla EPM saves the file to the Export folder.

  4. If necessary, change the file name.
  5. Click Save.

To modify the request for pricing in Microsoft Excel, see Modify pricing information in Microsoft Excel.

Email a request for pricing as a Microsoft Excel worksheet

  1. In the Requisition # dialog box, click the Requisition ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Export Request for Pricing > Email Excel.
  3. In the Select Contact dialog box, select the supplier, supplier code, and contact person.

    Only companies whose type is set to Supplier and their contacts that are saved in the Address Book are available.

    Defining the information in the Select Contact dialog box is optional. You can also define the information directly in the email when it is created.

  4. In the Email field, type the email address of the contact person.
  5. Click OK.

    Microsoft Outlook opens. The Microsoft Excel worksheet is attached to a new email.

  6. Modify the email according to your needs.
  7. Send the email.

Save or email a request for pricing as an steelXML file

The Export to steelXML command works specifically with the steelXML software. Use the Export to steelXML command to submit requests for pricing to suppliers, so that the suppliers can give you prices that are specific to the material information in the current requisition.


All items in the current requisition are included in the steelXML file that is exported. If you need to submit some of the items to different suppliers, you need to move those items to a different requisition.

  1. In the Requisition # dialog box, click the Requisition ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Export Request for Pricing > Export to steelXML.
  3. In the Export Pricing dialog box, select the supplier, supplier code, contact person, and the contact person's email address.

    Only companies whose type is set to Supplier and their contacts that are saved in the Address Book are available.

    Selecting options in the Export Pricing dialog box is optional.

  4. If you want the supplier to combine the items on their available inventory and provide the nesting results in the returned pricing, select the Request Nested Results check box.

    If you have already combined the items within the requisition or if you are ordering the items cut to length by the supplier, do not to select the Request Nested Results check box.

  5. According to your needs, do one of the following:


    Do this

    Save the steelXML file

    1. Click Export.

    2. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the folder where you want to save the file.

      By default, Tekla EPM saves the file to the Export folder.

    3. If necessary, change the file name.

    4. Click Save.

    You can later send the steelXML file to suppliers using your email service, if necessary.

    Send the steelXML file by email

    1. In the Email field, type the email address of the contact person.

    2. Select the Attach to Email check box.

    3. Click Export.

      Microsoft Outlook opens. The steelXML file is attached to a new email.

    4. Modify the email according to your needs.

    5. Send the email.

After the supplier has processed the file in steelXML and sent the file back to you, you can import the steelXML results back to Tekla EPM. For detailed instructions, see Import pricing information to a requisition.

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