Steel column design (EN1993)
Enhanced the calculation to include a Calc API so the calculation can be used in automation scenarios including the option to completely disable the user interface. The batch design has also been updated to include a Steel column design example.
Product bulletin August 2022 (PBT-2208-1)
Crane gantry girder design (EN1993) - Fixed a potentially un-conservative error affecting the deflection result for load group 5 when using an IFF wheel fixing layout. For more detailed information please refer to Product bulletin August 2022 (PBT-2208-1).
Other Updates
Batch design |
TEDDS-6975 |
Updated the Steel simple connection design (EN1993) examples to use the main calc item "Steel connection design (EN1993)" rather than the legacy "batch design" item. |
Crane gantry girder design (EN1993) |
TEDDS-7032 |
Fixed a solver error when the wheel fixing layout was CFM or IFM. |
RC slab design (EN1992) |
TEDDS-6913 |
Fixed undefined variable error when switching from monolithic to simple supports and bending moments and shear forces are calculated from coefficients. |
Steel column design (EN1993) |
TEDDS-6868 |
Fixed undefined variable error if output is selected as 'None'. |
TEDDS-6877 |
Fixed user defined output title. |
Steel simple connection design (EN1993) |
TEDDS-6975 |
Fixed output when calculation is running from a batch design. |
Timber rafter design (EN1995) |
TEDDS-6934 |
Fixed 'Lower roof' and 'Upper roof' loads named incorrectly in the documented output for a timber rafter. |