Border rebar for single edge (93)

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Border rebar for single edge (93)

Border rebar for single edge (93) creates hairpin rebars in a concrete panel or wall.

Parts created

Hairpin rebars.

Use for

Use this component for creating hairpin rebars in a concrete panel.

default beam

default panel

default floor

border reinforcing bars

Before you start

Before applying the component, the following parts must be created:

  • Concrete panel or wall

Pins tab

Use the Pins tab to define the properties of the lower reinforcing bars.





Defines the grade of the main bottom reinforcing bars. This field cooperates with the Size field.


Defines the diameter of the main bottom reinforcing bars. Pressing the ... button right of the field will open the Select rebar dialog box.

In the dialog box you can select the grade and the accompanying diameter.

Note: Selecting a size will override the value in the Grade field.

Bend lengths left

Defines the length of the left end-extension.

Bend lengths right

Defines the length of the right end-extension.

End conditions left/right

Picklist to define the rebars’ end condition on the left and right side. The options are:

Picklist item



90 Degree

135 Degree







Pin spacing tab

Use the Pin spacing tab to define the distribution of the hairpins along the concrete part.

You can define six zones for the distribution. For each zone you can set a number of hairpins. The distance between the hairpins can be defined in two ways:

  • Fixed spacing between each stirrup.

  • Distance between outer hairpins. (Spacing is then calculated from this distance divided by the number of hairpins).

Advanced tab

Use the Advanced tab to define additional information to the hairpins.




Add a comment about the part.


Name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Part class number.


Prefix for the part position number.

Start number

Start number for the part position number.

Configuration tab

Use the Configuration tab to define the bolt pattern and extra rotation.

Extra rotation

This picklist allows you to rotate the hairpin rebars. There are three options:


Around X

Around Y

Bending radius sec

The bending radius can be determined in three ways:

Picklist item



The bending radius is determined from a configuration file rebar_database.inp. This file is located in the profil folder.

Relative to diameter

For this option the radius is calculated by multiplying the reinforcing bar diameter with the entered coefficient.

Bending radius

Use this option to use a fixed value for the bending radius.

Detect outside geometry

This parameter can be used to detect part cuts in the concrete part. The search area is defined with two parameters:

Distance in material and a Position in plane picklist.

Use these parameters to define the reference for the rebars. See the examples below for more clarification:

(The concrete panel has thickness 200 mm. The partcut depth is 100 mm.)

Draw geometry with profiles

Picklist to define if geometry profiles should be created or not. These geometry profiles define the rebar insertion point, which is based on the values for distance in material and can help setting up the rebar pattern.

Detect negative volume

If a negative volume is applied to the concrete panel, you can define whether this negative volume should be recognised or not.

In below example a part cut is added with depth of 110 mm. If the value field is set to 0, the rebars can not be placed correctly.

If the value field is set equal or greater to the part cut depth (e.g. 110), the panel thickness will be recognised and the rebars are placed correctly.

Difference in thickness = 0

Difference in thickness = 110

Draw axis

The Draw axis picklist has two options: Yes and No. If Yes is chosen, the component creates extra colored profiles. This can help to set up the component and gives more clearness in component orientation.

If No is chosen, the extra colored profile are omitted.

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