2021 SP5: Neue Funktionen, Verbesserungen und wichtige Korrekturen

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2021 SP5: Neue Funktionen, Verbesserungen und wichtige Korrekturen

Benutzerdefinierte Komponenten funktionieren jetzt ordnungsgemäß und bewirken kein plötzliches Schließen von Tekla Structures.

Bei einem früheren Service Pack wurde beim Öffnen der Eigenschaften einer benutzerdefinierten Komponente per Doppelklick auf die Komponente Tekla Structures plötzlich geschlossen. Das war der Fall, wenn die benutzerdefinierte Komponente die Gleichung Erstellung verwendete und der Wert Null (direkt über die Eingabe als Zahl oder über einen eingestellten) betrug und gleichzeitig Abstandsvariablen für das Teil vorhanden waren, das nicht erstellt wurde. Dies ist nun behoben.


Autosave funktioniert jetzt

Autosave funktioniert jetzt auch, wenn der Dokument-Manager geöffnet ist. In einem früheren Service Pack schlug der Versuch fehl.


Neue Standardtastenkombination für Ausgewähltes vergrößern

Umschalt+Leerzeichen dient jetzt als Standardtastenkombination für den Befehl Ausgewähltes vergrößern sowohl im Modellier- als auch im Zeichnungsmodus.

Wenn Sie Ihre Tastenkombinationen bereits benutzerdefiniert angepasst haben, hat die Änderung der Standardtastenkombination keine Auswirkungen für Sie. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie die Änderung im Dialogfeld Tastenkombinationen (Datei > Einstellungen > Tastenkombinationen) manuell vornehmen.


Dropdown-Liste des Menübands wird jetzt durch Anklicken eines Umschalters nicht mehr geschlossen

Das Verhalten der Dropdown-Liste des Menübands wurde geändert, wenn die Liste Befehle enthält, die ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden können. Die Dropdown-Liste des Menübands bleibt jetzt geöffnet, wenn Sie die Zuständen der Befehle verändern.


Verbesserungen beim Kopieren von Eigenschaften im Eigenschaftenbereich

Wenn Sie jetzt Objekteigenschaften im Eigenschaftenbereich kopieren, werden zu Beginn immer alle Eigenschaften ausgewählt. Beim Auswählen der Objekte, in die die ausgewählten Eigenschaften kopiert werden sollen, werden die Kontrollkästchen für alle Eigenschaftenfelder angezeigt. Sie können weiterhin ändern, welche Eigenschaften kopiert werden, mit Ausnahme der Eigenschaften, die im Quellobjekt und in den Zielobjekten denselben Wert aufweisen.

In den Zielobjekteigenschaften können Sie nun zwischen den kopierten neuen Werten und den ursprünglichen Werten wechseln, indem Sie die Häkchen neben den Eigenschaften aktivieren oder deaktivieren.

TTSD-29024, TTSD-43305

Tooltips bleiben längere Zeit eingeblendet

Die Tooltips für Menüband, Symbolleiste für Schnellzugriff, Symbolleisten unten auf dem Bildschirm und der Hauptschaltfläche des Eigenschaftenbereichs können jetzt bis zu 5 Minuten lang geöffnet und eingeblendet bleiben. Dadurch haben Sie mehr Zeit, um die Anleitungen der Tooltips zu lesen.


Verschieben und Kopieren von Gruppen im Formkatalog

Sie können Gruppen und Untergruppen von Formen im Dialogfeld Formkatalog verschieben und kopieren. Sie können sowohl benutzerdefinierte Gruppen als auch Systemgruppen verschieben und kopieren.

Um eine ausgewählte Gruppe zu verschieben, ziehen Sie diese an eine neue Position in der Gruppenstruktur. Um eine Gruppe zu kopieren, halten Sie beim Ziehen die Strg-Taste gedrückt. Auch die Untergruppen der ausgewählten Gruppe werden verschoben oder kopiert.

Klicken Sie in Tekla Structures 2021 SP5 zum Verschieben oder Kopieren einer Untergruppe auf die höchste Ebene in der Gruppenstruktur mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Untergruppe und wählen Sie In oberste Ebene verschieben oder In oberste Ebene kopieren aus.

TTSD-46816, TTSD-41739


Mängelnummer Entwicklungsgebiet Beschreibung
TSAC-5615 Concrete components

Floor layout: The layer part UDA values from the second User defined tab are now correctly populated to layer parts.

TSAC-5714 Concrete components

Reinforced concrete stair (95): There are now 6 new UDA lines on UDA tab.

TSAC-5757 Concrete components

Geometry detailing strip has the following improvements:

  • The strip applied by a wall layout is now attached to the longest front/back part of the wall edge. Earlier, the detailing was attached to the edge front/back part closest to the center of the wall.
  • Detailing is now properly applied to a part face when the strip line starts from the corner of the part face.
  • When the strip partially overlaps an edge at an opening, the detailing is now created if it touches the part face. Earlier, detailing was only created if the center of the strip was touching the part face.
TSAC-5771 Concrete components

Sandwich wall window: You can now select how to create the filler parts as insulation on the Bottom detail, Left detail, Right detail, Top detail, Door side detail, and Door bottom detail tabs. The filler parts can be created as the shell properties or as the insulation properties.

The image for continuous slope is now again shown on the Door side detail and Door bottom detail tabs.

TSAC-5783 Concrete components

Detailing manager: The attribute file now contains information about the component type to prevent loading attribute files from another component with same number.
Older attribute files which do not have information about the component type are resolved via a list of component conflict numbers.

TSAC-5825 Concrete components

Mesh bars: Meshes outside the slabs are now positioned exactly in the same way as the rebar groups.

TSAC-4345 Steel components

Cap plate detail: When you open the properties dialog box of an existing component, the Class property is now shown correctly.

TSAC-5793 Steel components

Welded beam to beam (123): You can now define a name for the stiffeners on the Parameters tab. 

TSAC-5879 Steel components

Gusset+T: On the Main part welds tab, you can now select a continuous, chain intermittent, or staggered intermittent weld shape.

Wels shapes
TSAC-5880 Steel components

Tube-Chamfer, Tube-Crossing Saddle, Tube-MitreSaddle+Hole, Tube-Saddle+Hole, Tube-Slotted Hole: On the Welding tab, you can now select a continuous, chain intermittent, or staggered intermittent weld shape.

Welds shapes
TSAC-5966 Steel components

Railings (S77): You can now select the custom component direction for the start and end closure on the Panels tab.

TSAC-5023 Task Manager

Previously, Task manager stopped working if you tried to print a scenario when there was no printer installed on the system. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45400 Import, export, interoperability

Export drawings to DWG/DXF: The view placement in the export was improved to prevent overlapping view content.

TTSD-46984 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: The performance of selecting a reference model list group and canceling the selection has been improved. You can notice the improvement when you have lots of reference model groups, and you select or cancel the selection of any object in the model.

TTSD-47598 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: The performance of inserting a reference model, and then undoing and redoing this has been improved.

TTSD-45544 Templates and reports

In the report output, when you have set the columns to start from top right or bottom right, the columns are now aligned to right.

TTSD-33399 Drawings

A new user-specific advanced option, XS_VIEW_FRAMES_VISIBLE, has been added in the Drawing View category of the Advanced Options dialog box:

  • When you set this advanced option to FALSE, the drawing view frames are hidden until you move the mouse pointer over the view. This is the default value.
  • When you set this advanced option to TRUE, the drawing view frames are visible all the time.
  • In Tekla Structures versions 2019 and earlier, the drawing view frames were always visible. In Tekla Structures version 2019i, the drawing view frames were hidden and only displayed when the mouse pointer was over the view frame.
TTSD-35909 Drawings

Section drawings of complex geometries are now created correctly.

TTSD-47106, TTSD-22706, TTSD-26730, TTSD-27279, TTSD-29899, TTSD-30283, TTSD-35141, TTSD-35450, TTSD-47546 Drawings

Hatches: The hatching algorithm has been replaced by a new hatching algorithm that correctly handles a much wider range of complex geometries, such as self-intersecting polygons, collinear polygon edges, touching polygon vertex/edge cases and many others.

TTSD-47155 Drawings

Reference models: Reference models with wireframe representation are now drawn to the correct layer. Drawing to incorrect layer caused problems in the drawing order and cover-up areas, for example.

TTSD-47160, TTSD-47159 Drawings

Leader line handles were sometimes drawn to wrong locations if you were using advanced options to control the leader line position.

TTSD-47439 Drawings

Document Manager: Document manager now rounds fractional metric sheet sizes to whole numbers.

TTSD-47594 Drawings

Hatches for curved polygons work better now.

TTSD-48140 Drawings

Document manager: Document manager now automatically updates the document list for file documents when files change in the monitored areas.

TTSD-46958 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, when joining a shared model, there could occasionally be an application error in Tekla Structures. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-47046 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, when a Tekla model sharing model was opened with Bypass.ini shortcut, an error message "This model was not closed property" was shown. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-48090 Tekla Model Sharing

Previously, in some rare cases, there was an application error in Tekla Structures when reopening a shared model, for example. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-35590 Reinforcement

Previously, Cyrillic characters were not shown correctly in the rebar catalog even when the Russian locale was set in Windows. This resulted in the property pane showing Cyrillic characters incorrectly and reinforcement objects failing in the model. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-47725 Reinforcement

Rebar groups: The start and end cover thickness values of circular bars were ignored in numbering, which resulted in different bars receiving the same position number. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5824 Modeling

Auto bolt has been improved to work more reliably on parts with long narrow faces as well as for input points which fall on the edge of the input part solid.

TTSD-40284 Modeling

Previously, when you moved bent plate handles manually or through custom components, sometimes the cylindrical surface lateral boundary was following the move only on one side, causing the boundary to look distorted. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44083 Modeling

The Split command: Previously, when splitting plates or slabs, the user-defined attributes (UDAs) were not copied to the both resulting parts of the splitting. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-46768 Modeling

Snapping to reference lines/points works now better than previously.

TTSD-47093 Modeling

Previously, the Split command created wrong object types. Sometimes one half of a split polybeam or a strip footing became a concrete beam or a steel beam. This has now been fixed, and the split halves keep their original object type.

TTSD-47330 Modeling

In some cases, when XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT was set to TRUE and after the Repair model command was used, reinforcement objects could not be added to pour units using the Calculate pour units command. This does not happen anymore.

TTSD-46865 Installation

Previously, when proxy settings were defined in TeklaStructures.exe.config, instead of starting, the C:\Program Files\Tekla Structures\2020.0\nt\bin folder was opened. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-47353 Analysis and design

The steel, concrete, and timber design properties that you modify in the Analysis Model Properties dialog box are now correctly passed to the linked analysis application (STAAD, Robot, SAP2000).

TTSD-43642 Core

Previously, when graphic card stopped responding, Tekla Structures crashed. This has now been fixed, and instead of crashing, all 3D views are force closed and reopened.

TTSD-45454 Core

Occasionally, Tekla Structures stopped working unexpectedly when you clicked Browse in the Report dialog box. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-47642 Core

Application error no longer occurs if the model macro closing all model views is executed in the drawing mode.

TSAC-5911 Tools and components

Formwork placing tools - Walls: previously the automatic filler placement did not work even when a proper filler configuration was given. This has now been fixed, and the filler is added automatically.

TTSD-43380 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

NC/DSTV export: The NC export no longer generates NC files for parts that have failing geometries. The NC and session history logs report these failures.

TSAC-5604 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: For 3D bent bars, the bending angle recognition tolerance is now 1.0 degrees. Neighboring leg segments with very small angles in between are exported as combined straight segments. The 3D bars with more than 4 handle points with small bending angles no longer stop the export.

TSAC-5692 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

BVBS export: Mainly straight sections with minimal bendings in multiple directions now have more tolerance to be recognized as straight. Thereby both straight and bent rebars with such sections are handled better.

TSAC-5804 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, when exporting the insulation panels as layers, the panels extending outside concrete that had gaps between the panels resulted in complex contour lines with notches difficult to be utilized in plotting, for example. Now such gaps between panels do not affect the extended contour.

TSAC-5814 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): You can now choose if an insulation layer affects the contour using the new options, Layer cut to contour and Extend contour, on the Embeds tab. These options are only available if the insulation is exported as a layer within the concrete element and you have set the Export insulation setting to As concrete panel or As layers and embeds. When Layer cut to contour is used, the shuttering is placed by the determined concrete edge, however any insulation mountpart is allowed to extend outside this contour.

TSAC-5851 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): A new tab, Symbols, has been added where you can configure the details of mountpart symbols used in the export. All symbol-related settings have been moved from the Embeds tab to the Symbols tab. Also, new options for plotting placing symbols for braced girders have been added on this new tab.

TSAC-5948 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): The Product code setting on the Data content tab has new options Template and Cast unit prefix. For Product code, Accessory code and Material code, you can now specify multiple UDAs by separating them with a blank space.

TSAC-5977 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): In recent service packs, when you tried to use a manual code in the line attribute override of a surface object, the resulting line attribute was invalid. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5990 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): The line attribute override with surface objects now works also when the Output file structure option on the Main tab is set to 1 slabdate, scanned layers, and the main part edge is not at the cast unit boundary.

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