Neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen bei Betonierabschnitten, Bewehrungsstabsätzen, Bezeichnungen und IFC-Export

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen bei Betonierabschnitten, Bewehrungsstabsätzen, Bezeichnungen und IFC-Export

Tekla Structures 2020 Service Pack 1 enthält nützliche Verbesserungen bei der Berechnung von Betoniereinheiten, bei Bewehrungsstabsätzen, Detail- und Schnittbezeichnungen sowie beim IFC-Export.

Berechnung von Betoniereinheiten

Verbesserungen bei der Berechnung von Betoniereinheiten

Die Berechnung von Betoniereinheiten wurde verbessert, um auch nicht massive Elemente überlappenden Betonierteilen hinzuzufügen. In einigen Situationen werden Elemente, die sich nicht überlappen, auf Grundlage des Grenzrahmens des nicht massiven Elements angefügt.

Wenn Sie ein Modell öffnen, bei dem die Betoniereinheiten bereits vor dieser Berechnungsverbesserung berechnet wurden und das Modell nicht massive Elemente enthält, werden diese nicht massiven Elemente erst dann in die Betoniereinheiten mit einbezogen, wenn Sie den Befehl Alle Betoniereinheitenbeziehungen mit Ausnahme manueller Zuweisungen zurücksetzen von Schnellstartaufrufen.


Verbesserungen bei der Berechnungstoleranz für Betoniereinheiten

Wenn es früher sehr kleine Lücken zwischen den Teilen gab, die ein Betonierteil bilden sollten, wurden die Teile nicht zusammengefügt. Dies führte in diesen Fällen dazu, dass Betonierfugen nicht erstellt werden konnten und Betonierteile ein falsches Volumen hatten. Diese Probleme traten vor allem bei der Modellierung mit US-Maßeinheiten auf.

Dies wurde nun verbessert, sodass Teile mit einem Abstand von weniger als ~0.3 mm untereinander (gleichmäßig, nicht beispielsweise nur eine Ecke) als sich berührend betrachtet werden und daher einwandfrei Betonierteile bilden.

Die Erstellung von Betonierfugen wurde ebenfalls verbessert, sodass Betonierfugen über diesen kleinen Lücken erstellt werden können.


Bewehrungsstabsätze: Verbesserungen bei Stößen und benutzerdefinierten Komponenten

Erstellen von Stößen in Bewehrungsstabsätzen

Bemaßungen werden nun angezeigt, wenn ein Stoß durch Picken mehrerer Punkte erstellt wird. Bisher wurden Bemaßungen nur im Einzelpunkt-Picking-Modus angezeigt.


Verwendung von Bewehrungsstabsätzen in benutzerdefinierten Komponenten

  • Schenkelflächen-Punktgriffe werden automatisch ausgewählt

    Wenn ein Eigenschaften Schenkelfläche -Zweig im Benutzerdefinierte Komponenten Explorerausgewählt wird, erfolgt die Auswahl der Punktgriffe dieser Schenkelflächen jetzt automatisch, sodass sie alle in nur einem Arbeitsgang an eine Ebene gebunden werden können.


  • Bewehrungssstabänderungen werden automatisch ausgewählt

    Bei der Festlegung einer benutzerdefinierten Komponente werden bei der Auswahl eines Bewehrungsstabsatzes alle Veränderungen und Stöße jetzt automatisch ausgewählt und es ist nicht erforderlich, sie manuell auszuwählen.


  • Bewehrungstabsätze werden nun bei Verwendung der Erstellung -Eigenschaft mit einem Ja/Nein -Werttyp in benutzerdefinierten Komponenten , um die Erstellung von Bewehrungstabsätzen zu steuern, korrekt erstellt. Zuvor wurden ungültige Bewehrungssätze erstellt, wenn die Erstellung -Eigenschaft von Nein in Jageändert wurde.


  • Das Bearbeiten einer benutzerdefinierten Komponente über den Anwendungen und Komponenten -Katalog funktioniert jetzt einwandfrei. Zuvor konnte dies zu ungültigen Bewehrungsstabsätzen führen.


Kopieren und Verschieben manuell erstellter Detail- und Schnittbezeichnungen

Manuell erstellte Detail- und Schnittbezeichnungen können nun:

  • Mit Umschalttaste + Ziehen verschoben werden

  • Mit Strg + Ziehen kopiert werden

Beachten Sie, dass die Detail- und Schnittbezeichnungen nur innerhalb einer Ansicht verschoben oder kopiert werden können. Bei einer Verschiebung außerhalb des Ansichtsrahmens wird der Ansichtsrahmen so angepasst, dass die Detail- oder Schnittbezeichnung sich innerhalb des Rahmens befindet.


IFC2x3-Export: Neues Steuerung für den Export von Bewehrungen, die durch Bewehrungsstabsätze erstellt wurden

Eine neue Modelloption XS_EXPORT_IFC_REBARSET_INDIVIDUAL_BARS ist implementiert worden, um zu steuern, wie Stäbe, die von Bewehrungstabsätzen erstellt wurden, exportiert werden. Ist die Variable auf FALSEgesetzt, werden Stäbe in Gruppen exportiert. Ist die Variable auf TRUEgesetzt, werden die Stäbe als einzelne Stäbe exportiert. Der Standardwert lautet FALSE.


HINWEIS: In der IFC-Datei zeigt „Gesamtanzahl“ immer 1 für Gruppen an, die durch Bewehrungsstabsätze erstellt wurden, und „Gesamtgewicht“ sowie „Gewicht“ zeigen das Gewicht eines Stabes an. Verwenden Sie NUMBER_OF_BARS_IN_GROUP und WEIGHT_TOTAL_IN_GROUP -Eigenschaften, um die Werte der Gruppe in die IFC-Datei zu exportieren.



Mängelnummer Entwicklungsgebiet Beschreibung
TSAC-1748 Concrete components Wall layout opening: Selecting the opening with rollover highlight switched on has been optimized.
TSAC-3377 Concrete components Wall layout: Previously, the wall layout was not created to the correct elevation if the height option "Z0+Z1" was applied. The preview showed correct elevation, though. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3386 Concrete components Concrete foundation (1030): Previously, there was an extra distance in the model when offsetting the created tubes and rebars. This extra distance has been removed. Now the distance corresponds with the values set in the component dialog box.
TSAC-3413 Concrete components Wall layout has been improved for mirrored layouts. Previously, after the wall layout was copied as mirrored the layout needed to be updated. Using direct modification also caused the layers to be flipped. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3596 Concrete components Wall layout: Previously, using a component to create a single part layer did not work properly. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3723 Concrete components Mesh bars: Creating bars using the Number of bars option now works correctly.
TSAC-3738 Concrete components Sandwich and double wall can again be placed by entering a numeric location.
TSAC-3739 Concrete components Corbel reinforcement (81): On the Main bars tab, you can now select whether the last rebar segment is horizontal instead of following the inclined corbel edge. This will affect the created traverse stirrups as well.

Corbel reinforcement 81 follow shape.png
TSAC-3782 Concrete components Formwork placing tools - Walls: There is a new option to control the Platform layout. When you select the new Preset array option, the start distance and spacing input is dimmed, and the spacing of platform items is taken from the panel layout. With the second option, Custom array (over multiple panels), the platforms are placed as before using the given start distance and spacings. If spacing is not defined, the default spacing of the platform will be used.
Now it is possible to define the preset locations of the platform (brackets) for each formwork panel with the new configuration definitions PlatformX in normal (=not tilted panel) and PlatformY in a tilted panel. If these are not defined, the default locations are at the panel extreme edges.
TSAC-3797 Concrete components Mesh bars: The number of secondary bars is no longer overwritten by the number of primary bars.
TSAC-3866 Concrete components Embedded anchors (8): On the Input tab, you can now use the new Top in form face option in the Up direction list when positioning created anchors.
TSAC-3885 Concrete components Previously, parts added to cast units in Geometry detailing strip were incorrectly created when the reference points were beyond part edges. This was mostly visible at wall layout openings, and it has now been fixed.
TSAC-3955 Concrete components Reinforced concrete stair (95): The top mesh bars and top anchor are now created properly when the top landing has recesses.
TSAC-3964 Concrete components Starter bars for footing (87): Corner bars and side bars now take the values of the standard hooks when the hook length or bending radius values are empty on the Picture tab.
TSAC-3966 Concrete components Wall layout seam: Previously, modifying the seam gap/center offset was difficult when the wall layout had any surface layers. This issue has now been fixed. The reason for this issue was that the component dialog box showed the gap/offset of the surface layer even if it could not be modified. An extra manual selection of the layer was required to activate the correct structural layer.
TSAC-3974 Concrete components Floor layout: Previously, a new floor layout used the properties of special slabs and openings from an existing modified floor layout when you created the new floor layout using the properties of the existing floor layout. This could result in incorrect slab widths, for example. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3984 Concrete components Embedded anchors (8): A warning message is now shown when unknown material is detected in the input assembly.
TSAC-4001 Concrete components Floor layout: Previously, the dialog box for defining floor layout property strips was not always opened. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4001 Concrete components Floor layout: Previously, the dialog box for defining floor layout property strips was not always opened. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4046 Concrete components Floor layout: The dialog box name of Floor layout's detailing strips has been renamed to Floor layout property strip.
TSAC-4048 Concrete components Concrete console (110): Previously, incorrect extra secondary parts were selected when using the Cut extra secondary parts option. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4089 Concrete components Mesh bars and Mesh bars by area: The direct modification dimensioning now considers spliced bars as just one bar. This shows a cleaner and faster dimension line when using direct modification.
TSAC-4132 Concrete components Formwork placing tools - Walls: When adding panels, automatic fillers are now created correctly.
TSAC-4234 Concrete components Wall layout tools: The wall layout opening face handle has been changed to two crossing lines to allow easier selection of openings.
TSAC-1579 Steel components Welded tee (32): It is now possible to create bolts between the tee profile and the main part.
TSAC-1916 Steel components Welded beam to beam (123): The creation of notches has been improved for profiles which have sloped flanges.
TSAC-2363 Steel components Cold rolled overlap (1): Previously, the default position for bolts did not work correctly and the bolt group was not created centered on the profile. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-240 Steel components Bent plate (151): Previously, the component created double notches on the top flange. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-307 Steel components Tapered column-beam stub (150): Previously, the bottom weld access hole cut was incorrectly created. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-320 Steel components Unfold surface (21): Previously, multiple cuts were created in the same position when the component had been modified using the Modify button. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3479 Steel components Shear plate simple (146): Previously, the flanges of the secondary beam were cut to avoid the collision with rounding areas of the main part also when the secondary beam was already cut back from the main part web. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3501 Steel components Offshore (194): It is now possible to create haunches as plates.
TSAC-3618 Steel components Portal bracing (105): It is now possible to specify the material, name, and class of tee profiles.
TSAC-3664 Steel components Multiple stiffeners (1064): It is now possible to specify a square chamfer type as a stiffener chamfer.
TSAC-3675 Steel components Cold rolled overlap (1): The component now supports the AutoDefaults rule group settings.
TSAC-3713 Steel components Central brace tube conn Pl (50): Previously, there was a gap between the connection plate and gusset plate when using the component to connect only one secondary part. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3744 Steel components Column - 2 beam (14): Previously, the plate between the column and beams was created incorrectly when the bolt offset from the plate center line was specified. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3810 Steel components Weld preparation (44): On the Parameters tab, it is now possible to specify separate chamfer sizes and weld access hole sizes for the top and bottom flange.
TSAC-3829 Steel components Two sided clip angle (143): Previously, when the bolt dimensions on the BoxPBolts tab were smaller than the bolt dimensions on the BoxSBolts tab, the angle boxes were created incorrectly. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3897 Steel components Bolted gusset (11), Tube gusset (20) and Gusseted cross (62): It is now possible to create a rounded cut by specifying a radius on the Gusset tab when the gusset is slotted through the main part.
TSAC-3914 Steel components Two sided end plate (142): Creating the component with secondary parts as C profiles has now been improved.
TSAC-3925 Steel components Stairs (S71): Previously, the error message "Illegal input" was shown even when the component was created correctly. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-3965 Steel components Cage ladder (S60): It is now possible to specify the assembly prefix and number for hoops and vertical bars.
TSAC-3967 Steel components Stair base detail (1038): Previously, all welds in the component were created twice in the same place. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4011 Steel components Splice connection (77): Welds between the deck plates and input parts now have the correct direction.
TSAC-4015 Steel components Stair base detail (1043): It is now possible to specify bolt assembly attributes and extra length for bolts on the Sbolts tab. Also, it is now possible to create custom components instead of bolts on the Sbolts tab.
TSAC-4059 Steel components Column - 2 beam (14): Previously, the component did not work correctly when the secondary part profile was a C or U profile. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4076 Steel components Shear plate simple (146): Previously, the bolt protection area was created too large, and it cut unwanted parts of the secondary beam. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4077 Steel components Column with stiffeners W (182): Previously, the bolt protection area was created too large, and it cut unwanted parts of the secondary beam. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4078 Steel components Column with stiffeners S (187): Previously, the bolt protection area was created too large, and it cut unwanted parts of the secondary beam. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4101 Steel components Web stiffened end plate (1016): Previously, the additional beam name was also applied as the additional beam finish. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-2523 Import, export, interoperability Layout manager: The issues that caused exporting of layout points from Layout manager to fail have now been fixed.
TTSD-27763 Import, export, interoperability 3D DGN export: The export failed in some environments, this has now been fixed.
TTSD-31540 Import, export, interoperability The DWG export now uses the units that have been defined for the current model in the Options dialog box.
TTSD-32440 Import, export, interoperability The pour phase attribute is now transferred between Tekla Strucutral Designer and Tekla Structures when the advanced option XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT is set to TRUE.
TTSD-32443 Import, export, interoperability The design intent rebar from Tekla Structural Designer is now transferred for Foundation mats when importing a Tekla Structural Designer model if a compatible version of Tekla Structural Designer is installed.
TTSD-32444 Import, export, interoperability The concrete cover used in design by Tekla Structural Designer is now transferred for Foundation mats when importing a Tekla Structural Designer model when a compatible version of Tekla Structural Designer is installed.
TTSD-33697 Import, export, interoperability Trimble Connector: Previously, uploading the same reference model with a different name was only possible for IFC reference models. Now, you can do so for other types of reference models as well.
TTSD-34210 Import, export, interoperability Previously, Trimble Connector sometimes crashed when you closed a Tekla Structures model and opened another model too quickly. This has now been fixed, so that Trimble Connector waits for the second model to open, and closes if the model is still unavailable after the waiting period.
TTSD-34274 Import, export, interoperability Drawing DWG export is now more robust with symbol handling.
TTSD-34276 Import, export, interoperability You can now zoom in to overlay models by right-clicking objects in the overlay models and selecting Zoom Selected.
TTSD-34419 Import, export, interoperability You can now align clip planes with the faces of overlay model objects.
TTSD-34437 Import, export, interoperability When you inquire the properties of overlay model objects, the objects now have original identifiers in the Inquire object dialog box.
TTSD-34442 Import, export, interoperability You can now select top-level assemblies in overlay models when you have selected the Assemblies and cast units selection switch. Note that you cannot select sub-assemblies.
TTSD-34497 Import, export, interoperability Ifc2x3 export: Support for exporting transparencies to the current view export (Use current view colors selected) has been added.
TTSD-34501 Import, export, interoperability TS;;Beam exported as an IfcMechanicalFasterner can now have additional property set properties. The properties are fetched from the TS::Beam object.
TTSD-34677 Import, export, interoperability In the Trimble Connect - Models dialog box, yellow warning icons are now shown next to broken overlay models that cannot be shown on top of the Tekla Structures model.
TTSD-34721 Import, export, interoperability Rebars in overlay models are now shown correctly when you use the Components wireframe and Show only selected component rendering options.
TTSD-34751 Import, export, interoperability IFC export: If a complicated cut is exported as B-rep, then also the main panel or slab is exported as B-rep. This fix is mainly for the Export To Aveva extension.
TTSD-34865 Import, export, interoperability IFC object conversion: All parametric C profile start and end points have now been switched. Earlier, they were incorrectly oriented after being converted to Tekla Structures parts.
TTSD-34907 Import, export, interoperability Previously, Tekla Structures could sometimes select or clear the Start Trimble Connect collaboration check box without user input. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34908 Import, export, interoperability Previously, when you redrew a model view rendered with OpenGL, incorrect edge line offsets sometimes appeared in the attached overlay models. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34954 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: The export sometimes used incorrect object colors when exporting using representation. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34975 Import, export, interoperability If uploading the Tekla Structures model to Trimble Connect as a .tekla file fails, the error details are now logged in the PublishToTrimbleConnect log file. This log file is located in the \logs folder under the current model folder.
TTSD-35006 Import, export, interoperability You can now use dynamic strings as user-defined attributes (UDAs) in IFC export and reports. To add a dynamic string as an UDA, set it as a user-defined template attribute in the Property Set Definitions dialog box.
TTSD-35180 Import, export, interoperability Previously, after a model was saved in the multi-user mode, the attached overlay models disappeared. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35417 Import, export, interoperability IFC4 export: In the export dialog box, if the name of the additional property set contained spaces, the text after the space disappeared. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35692 Import, export, interoperability Rebars in exported .tekla models are now colored according to their classes.
TTSD-35802 Import, export, interoperability The assembly hierarchy in the current Tekla Structures model is now written correctly when you convert the model into a .tekla reference model using the Upload model command.
TTSD-36050 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: Previously, the IFC2x3 export exported bolts as transparent. This has been fixed.
TPLED-145 Templates and reports The contents of the hidden templates in drawings are no longer calculated, which reduces the drawing opening time.
TPLED-166 Templates and reports Template Editor: Tekla Structures occasionally crashed when a multiline valuefield was used in a template. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34611 Templates and reports In Template Editor, the Reset button was missing from the Picture Properties dialog box. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34854 Templates and reports Template Editor: When a template file is double-clicked in the file explorer, the dialog box to select the environment is now shown and Template Editor is opened with the correct (selected) environment.
TTSD-35628 Templates and reports There is a new custom template attribute, CUSTOM.ELEMENT_WEIGHT.REINFORCED

The attribute calculates the element weight as follows: The volume of concrete parts minus the volume of steel embeds and reinforcing bars multiplied by a concrete density of 2450 kg/m3 (hard-coded) to achieve the concrete weight. Then the weight of the concrete, reinforcement, and embeds are summed up.
The calculation uses a steel density of 7850 kg/m3 for steel embeds.
Steel embeds and reinforcing bars are assumed to be completely within the concrete.
The attribute does not take reinforcement meshes into account.

The new CUSTOM.ELEMENT_WEIGHT.REINFORCED is more accurate in cast units with dense reinforcement than the existing CUSTOM.ELEMENT_WEIGHT.
TSAC-2014 Drawings Rebar pull-out picture and marking: A new option Show exaggerated has been added on the Rebar tab to exaggerate the rebar shape when some reinforcement parts are overlapping. 
TSAC-3869 Drawings Rebar pull-out picture are marking: The representation of the bar shapes with multiple bending radii has been fixed.
TSAC-4040 Drawings Rebar pull-out picture and marking: The mark content was not displayed when Total number in drawing was in use with rebar sets and rebar groups. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4230 Drawings The Rebar mesh view creator macro did not work properly if the cast unit contained a bent mesh. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-957 Drawings Rebar pull-out picture are marking: The representation of rebar shapes with a bending radius of 0 has now been fixed.
TTSD-18430 Drawings Print preview and output will now reflect the changes made to an open drawing.
TTSD-23589 Drawings Printing: Previously, hatches were sometimes placed outside their boundaries and covered areas incorrectly. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-28083 Drawings In GA drawings, opening symbols were not shown in reflected views, now they are shown as expected.
TTSD-28547 Drawings Previously, when you sorted Document manager by several columns, Tekla Structures scrolled to the bottom of Document manager. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-29849 Drawings The attributes *_LEVEL_BASEPOINT and *_LEVEL_PROJECT were changed to string, and new attributes *_LEVEL_UNFORMATTED_BASEPOINT and *_LEVEL_UNFORMATTED_PROJECT were created as double.
TTSD-30910 Drawings Rectangle objects are now displayed correctly in drawings.
TTSD-32591 Drawings The Print Drawings dialog box incorrectly updated the preview while printing documents. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-32650 Drawings When Use multiple printers was selected in the Print Drawings dialog box, and you loaded printing settings, and tried to save the settings with a new name, the name was reverted to the name of the earlier settings file. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-32728 Drawings Reference models that were not visible in the drawing could sometimes extend the drawing restriction box unnecessarily. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-32784 Drawings Previously, you could not change the units and format of some level templates in drawing marks. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33090 Drawings Dimension associativity rule list was previously showing incorrect text for some cuts. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33630 Drawings Overlaying snapshots in drawings now works more fluently.
TTSD-33763 Drawings Now the placement of angular dimensions, radial dimensions and curved dimensions with orthogonal reference lines is set to Fixed when you have dragged the dimension if the advanced option XS_CHANGE_DRAGGED_DIMENSIONS_TO_FIXED is set to TRUE.
TTSD-34284 Drawings A rebar dimension mark no longer changes its orientation if any of the properties are modified with the contextual toolbar.
TTSD-34348 Drawings Clicking different options in dimension associativity rule list now works better.
TTSD-34361 Drawings The dimension associativity rule list was sometimes showing an empty line for bolts. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34370 Drawings When dimensioning type Overall was used in section views, Tekla Structures created duplicate views with same section mark. Now this has been fixed and there is only one A-A view visible, for example.
TTSD-34381 Drawings Tekla Structures occasionally crashed when drawing bolt dimensions. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34411 Drawings The Default associativity rule is not shown in the associativity rule list, unless it is the only rule available, or if it has been previously selected as the active rule for the chosen point.
TTSD-34464 Drawings Merging bolt marks now works more reliably.
TTSD-34521 Drawings The Undo command now works more reliably for curved dimensions.
TTSD-34565 Drawings Previously in some cases, items were misplaced and incorrectly oriented in GA drawings. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34690 Drawings Dimension associativity rule lists sometimes did not show the selected associativity correctly for existing dimensions. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34693 Drawings In certain rare cases the drawing view label used to disappear completely after selecting and unselecting the drawing view. Now the label is visible after unselect.
TTSD-34765 Drawings Dimension associativity rule list no longer jumps as much as before.
TTSD-34888 Drawings Highlighting parts when double-clicking a row in the dimension associativity rule list now works more reliably.
TTSD-34960 Drawings Cloning drawings with moved views resulted in empty drawings. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35012 Drawings In the .htc file for hatch pattern settings, material names can now be 32 characters long. Previously, the character limit was 21 characters.
TTSD-35137 Drawings Tekla Structures can now automatically find paper sizes for drawings in the US imperial environment.
TTSD-35204 Drawings Rebar dimension mark prefix and post fix mark editing when subgrouping is off now updates the drawing.
TTSD-35349 Drawings Drawing views were sometimes incorrectly rotated when an assembly/cast unit drawing was created for a subassembly. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35516 Drawings The arrow symbol 0 (no arrow) is now always available in drawing properties, view properties and mark properties, despite the values in the arrows.txt file.
TTSD-35828 Drawings When you create rebar dimension marks for tapered or curved rebar groups and Tekla Structures asks you to pick a side, free snapping is now automatically enabled. This means that you can pick any position within the view boundary that contains the selected rebar group.
TTSD-35792 System and options The TeklaStructuresModel.xml file now contains the same Tekla Structures product version (new tag "ProductVersion") as the value used for registry (key "Version").
TTSD-35246 Tekla Model Sharing Previously, when you modified drawing properties in a shared model, the changes list could sometimes be disabled. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35457 Tekla Model Sharing Users with Viewer or Project viewer roles can now join shared models again.
TTSD-12143 Modeling When a model has an autosaved version, and Tekla Structures is launched with a bypass.ini file, Tekla Structures now shows the dialog box where you can select which version of the model to open.
TTSD-29131 Modeling When selecting a role in the US environment or in the UK environment, you cannot select the role separator row (Imperial roles, Metric roles) in the list of roles anymore.
TTSD-29710 Modeling Previously, certain Logitech mouse drivers could cause a crash when the middle wheel was tilted (horizontal scroll). This has now been fixed.
TTSD-29779 Modeling Previously, option type UDAs could only have 50 options in the list of options. This issue appeared when using the side pane, Organizer, or in the Open API. Now option type UDAs can have 400 options.
TTSD-30247 Modeling Previously, when you had modified parts with bolt groups and tried to undo the changes, the Undo command did not work correctly. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-30727 Modeling Previously, using Save as to save the model could result in invalid rebar sets. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-32798 Modeling When you selected assembly objects using the ALT key and the assembly contained a macro, inquiring the center of gravity caused Tekla Structures to crash. This does not happen anymore.
TTSD-32859 Modeling Previously, the coordinate symbol did not follow the local coordinate system when the view was created with the On plane command. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33341 Modeling Previously, setting the work plane could in some cases cause small deviations in the accuracy of work plane coordinates. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-33673 Modeling Bent plates, lofted plates and slabs, and spiral and curved beams can now be converted to items. Earlier, they could not be converted.
TTSD-33754 Modeling Previously, if two or more pour objects overlapped and had overlapping pour breaks, deleting the pour break that had been created first also deleted the second pour break, even if the pour breaks were not dependent on each other. This does not happen anymore. You can now separately delete the pour breaks.
TTSD-35145 Modeling Previously, the Tekla Structures session history log showed unnecessary warnings. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35740 Modeling Copying construction circles with the Copy with offset command did not work in the z direction. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4035 Installation You can now resize the Migration Wizard dialog box.
TSAC-4214 Tools and components Layout manager: Previously, there was an error when opening the Layout manager settings so that the settings dialog box did not open at all, and you could not change the export units, for example. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34876 Tools and components Symbol Editor: Previously, saving with Save As did not work if the edited symbol file was located in the model folder. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35456 Tools and components Tekla Structures sometimes crashed when you used custom components with .dat files in several models during a single Tekla Structures session. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-35464 Tools and components Modifying a system component previously produced a status bar message: Outdated component was updated to match the current component definition. Now the message is only displayed for modified and updated custom components.
TTSD-33055 User interface Previously, when customizing the contextual toolbar for construction arcs, lines and polycurves, the preview was not shown. Also, customization was not working. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34855 User interface The part numbering series for concrete objects cannot be retrieved and modified using the property pane anymore. If you want to have your own part numbering series for certain concrete objects, the old steel part properties dialog box can be used. You can open it by typing steel beam properties into the Quick Launch box.
TSAC-3993 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export ELiPLAN file (68): You can now disable/enable the usage of the data conversion file by clearing the check box next to the Data conversion file setting on the Parameters tab.
TSAC-3995, TSAC-4186 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export ELiPLAN file (68) improvements:
  • The Export of weep holes setting on the Plotter data tab:
    • At end zones only (previous option Yes): Provides weep holes at the slab end zones of the hollowcore only.
    • At end zones and filled cores: Provides weep holes for the end zones of hollowcore and also adds weep holes on the both sides of any filled cores. Filled core parts can be specified by class or by name.
    • At filled cores only: Provides weep holes around filled cores only.
    • No is still the default value.
  •  On the Data settings tab a new setting Tag for filled cores has been added. For Tag for filled cores, you can enter either a single string (the name) or multiple strings. Tekla Structures will then use the entered name or names as filter criteria to determine filled cores from the model. Depending on the selected option the placement of the weep holes will be calculated and written to the export file.
  • The option to specify the representation of lifters has been moved from the Data settings tab to the Plotter data tab and renamed to Plot lifters
TSAC-4010 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Straight rebars with hooks are now excluded from the export when Rebar export - Straight is set to Uncollected.
TSAC-4019 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export ELiPLAN file (68): Using the new option Plot irregular cutout/recess - As lines on the Plotter data tab you can export bounding box cutouts/recesses that overlap a diagonal edge as lines.  
TSAC-4023 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Now, when there are multiple wire sizes in the same layer for the same direction of wires in the STEELMAT block, they are exported with the same concrete cover (the same Z coordinate offset).
TSAC-4024 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, some meshes, on a slightly inclined plane compared to pallet plane, were not correctly rotated to the pallet plane with option Meshes export: Turned to pallet. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4075 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): You can now specify that reinforcement type 1 rebars will always be the lowest rebars of a mesh regardless of the mesh orientation on the pallet. To do this, use the new Reinforcement types option Bottom rebar = type 1 on the Reinforcement tab.
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