Save cut list - partially matched filter

Tekla PowerFab
Geändert: 29 Mai 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Save cut list - partially matched filter

When you are saving the cut list, and the combined details are not a complete match for the filter, you need to decide, what you want to include.

  1. Click one of the following:

    Include all items: Recommended option. Saves all combined items as being cut when processed to the cut list, icnluding the items that do not match the current filter. Tekla PowerFab Go shows all combined items.

    Include only items matching the current filter: Saves only the combined items that match the filter as being cut when processed.

    The items that do not match the filter are shown in red italics with strikethrough. They remain combined to the drop and are returned to inventory when processed.

    Tekla PowerFab does not show the items that do not match the current filter.

    Note that to include the excluded items in a new cut list, you first need to cut the cut list items so that the drop is placed in inventory. Only after doing this you can add those items in a new cut list.

    • If you select this, you are prompted to confirm your selection. Click Yes to continue.

    Don’t save partially matched cutting details to the cut list saves only the inventory items whose combining details completely match the set filter.

    Cancel exits the dialog box without saving.
    Note: Inventory items that are already saved to a cut list are not saved to another cut list even if they match the filter and can be viewed on the report.

    You get a confirmation that the cut list was saved.

  2. To close the message, click OK.
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