Tekla PowerFab configurations

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Tekla PowerFab configurations

Tekla PowerFab allows access to all the desktop application modules. Only permissions within the database can restrict access to areas or modules.

Tekla EPM Viewer allows access to all the desktop application modules in the read-only mode. Only permissions within the database can restrict access to areas or modules. The read-only mode only allows the viewing of records and does not permit to add, edit or delete any records.

Additionally, there are legacy Tekla PowerFab configurations that provide the opportunity to use different modules and features.

The Tekla PowerFab modules included in different configurations are:


Tekla EPM Full

Tekla EPM Production

Tekla EPM Estimating




Project Management

Production Control


Order Entry

In addition to the Tekla PowerFab configurations in the table, there are specific Tekla PowerFab configurations that replace the Fabsuite configurations used by former Fabsuite customers.

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