Tekla PowerFab Remote Server and Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor Overview

Tekla PowerFab GO
Not version-specific
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO
Tekla EPM GO
PowerFab Go
Tekla PowerFab Go
remote server
Remote Server Service
Remote Monitor
SSL Cipher
Remote Monitor Overview

Tekla PowerFab Remote Server

The Tekla PowerFab Remote Server is a Windows service that installed on the server for Tekla PowerFab. This service listens for and responds to traffic from Tekla PowerFab Go and executes automated events. The Tekla PowerFab Remote Server service should be installed during the initial program installation when the Server configuration is selected.

Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor

The Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor program is a graphical interface for the Tekla PowerFab Remote Server service. Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor is accessed by double-clicking the icon on the desktop found on the Tekla PowerFab Server. If the shortcut is not present, it can be accessed by double-clicking the Tekla.EPM.Remote.Monitor.exe application in the installation directory.

Note: Individual installation locations may vary. The default installation directory is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Tekla\Tekla EPM

Screenshot of the Tekla EPM Remote Monitor screen

For detailed information on the Settings, please see Tekla PowerFab Remote Server Settings.

Adding a Remote Server Service

If the Remote Server service was not installed, needs to be reinstalled, or another service is desired, click the + button. This will open the New Remote Server Service dialog.

Screenshot of the New Remote Server Service dialog.


Service Name: This can be any unique string of characters, but it is recommended to use spaces and only alpha-numeric characters. This service name is used as the registryservice's key.

Tip: Prefixing the service name with MySQL_ will enable it to be shown in the MySQL Service Manager.

Display Name: The display name can be any string of characters. It is a user-friendly name that appears in the service selection drop-down of the Remote Monitor and Window's Services control panel application.

Service Dependency: This must match the PowerFab database MySQL service name exactly. The MySQL Service Manager will display the MySQL service name(s) for all database instances running on the machine.

Removing a Remote Server Service

If the Remote Server service needs to be removed, select the desired service from the drop-down and click the - button. Note, occasionally a reboot is required to clear the service.

Tip: If the service is being removed and will be re-added (for troubleshooting), it is recommended to document all the current Settings prior to removing the service.

Starting, Stopping & Restarting the Remote Server service

The status of the service is changed with the dynamic (changes based on status) button in the upper right-hand corner of the window.

  • Start a service: Select the desired service from the drop-down and click the Start Service button to start it.
  • Stop a service: Select the desired service from the drop-down and click the Stop Service button to stop it.
  • Restart a service: Select the desired service from the drop-down, stop the service, wait a few seconds, and (re)Start the service following the above directions.

Note: Before a service can be Started, a licensed Trimble Identity must be logged in under Settings. For more information see Tekla PowerFab Remote Server Settings.

    Real-Time Status Data Output

    Tekla PowerFab Remote Monitor reports the following details in real-time:



    Example Output

    Tekla PowerFab Remote Server Service Status

    Message stating the current status of the Tekla PowerFab Remote Server service. If the service is running, the TCP port that the service is listening for connections will also be listed.

    The service is running. 
    Running - Port 9154

    The service is not running.
    Uptime The time (in hours: minutes: seconds) that the service has been active. 145:35:46
    Connection SSL Cipher Indicates whether Tekla PowerFab Remote Server is connected to the MySQL database via an encrypted connection.
    If Tekla PowerFab doesn't use encryption for its ODBC connection, this will be blank.
    Total Remote Connections The total count of connections that have been made during the time that the service has been active. 154
    Current Remote Connections The count of connections that are currently active. 17
    Total Commands The total count of XML/JSON commands that transacted dur
    ing the time that the service has been active.
    Current Sockets The count of TCP sockets that are currently active. 4
    Total Sockets The total count of TCP sockets that have been created during the time that the service has been active. 876

    Log Files

    Service Log File

    The service log contains information specific to the Remote Server service. Information such as connection to the Tekla PowerFab MySQL database, Trimble Identity sign in, and others will be recorded.

    The Service Log can be viewed by clicking the Service Log File button or in the program installation folder RemoteServerError.txt file.

    Socket Log File

    The socket log file contains information regarding the traffic transactions over the TCP socket (user connection). This can be logged at varying levels of detail. For further information on the levels and how to change them, pleas see the Socket section of the Tekla PowerFab Remote Server Settings.

    The latest Socket Log can be viewed by clicking the Socket Log File button. The latest and historical Socket logs can also be found in the Log subfolder of the program installation directory. These files have the naming structure of remote-server-log-<Remote Service name>-<YYYYMMDD>.log.

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