Switzerland Environment: Installation using Command Prompt

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Since Tekla 2021 it is possible to install Switzerland Environment defining which lanuage-specific content is needed. Thus only the roles and files to the chosen language will be installed.
If you want to install Switzerland Environment using Command Prompt, here you will find all information needed about how to do so (e.g. for silent installation):

Install Switzerland Environment without any arguments

In this case it will install language-specific content for all three languages (german, french, italian). Simply type the name of the installation file into the Command Prompt, for example: Env_Switzerland_2021.exe

Install Switzerland Environment with only one language-specific content

In this case it will install language-specific content only for the chosen language (e.g. french). Use this to install it using Command Prompt: Env_Switzerland_2021.exe /v"ADDLOCAL=Switzerland_FRA"

/v"ADDLOCAL=" defines that there will follow arguments for the installation. Possible keys are:
  • Switzerland_GER: For german speaking content
  • Switzerland_FRA: For french speaking content
  • Switzerland_ITA: For italian speaking content

Install Switzerland Environment with multiple language-specific content

In this case it will install language-specific content only for the chosen languages (e.g. german and italian). Use this to install it using Command Prompt: Env_Switzerland_2021.exe /v"ADDLOCAL=Switzerland_GER,Switzerland_ITA"

Please note that there is no space between both languages, only a comma.

Install Switzerland Environment "silent"

If you want to install Switzerland Environment without any further interactions, you can use common keywords as for other installations. 
Note that you may want to run Command Prompt as an administrator to completely eliminate any interactions when installing:
cmd Admin.png

Here is an example of installing german-specific content silent: Env_Switzerland_2021.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Switzerland_GER"
Please note that the installation will need some time and a progress bar will appear as it will install TSEP's. Find out more about Installation (and also about TSEP's) here. If you want further inputs for centralized distribution of Tekla or Environments please read this article.
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