Import Tedds documents into Tedds for Word

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Import Tedds documents into Tedds for Word

If you have created calculations in the Tedds Application, you may sometimes want to import them into Tedds for Word. For this purpose, Tedds for Word provides an import facility, intended to help in importing Tedds documents into Tedds for Word.

Import Tedds documents into Tedds for Word

  1. In the Tools ribbon group, click More > Import > Tedds document.
  2. Find and select the .ted file that you want to import.
  3. Click Open.

    The Import Tedds document dialog box appears.

  4. Select the location where and the method how you want to import the Tedds document. For help, see the table below.
    New document Inserts the Tedds document in a new Tedds for Word document.
    Append to active document Inserts the Tedds document at the end of the current Tedds for Word document.
    Insert in active document Inserts the Tedds document in the current Tedds for Word document at the position of the insertion point. <clarify!>
    Add new Calc Section Inserts the Tedds document in a new calc section in the current Tedds for Word document.
    Insert page break Adds a page break into the Tedds for Word document before the calc section.
  5. Click OK.
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