Up to date
Parts modified
The parts in the drawing have changed, for example, parts have been added or deleted, or part properties have changed.
Quantity increased or
Quantity decreased
The actual drawing is up to date, but the number of identical parts has changed.
Up to date
All parts deleted
All the parts related to the drawing have been deleted.
The drawing is locked and you cannot open it for editing.
The drawing is frozen. Changes made to the model objects, which have drawing objects associated with them, are no longer available in the drawing.
The drawing has been added as a master drawing in the Master Drawing Catalog.
Ready for issuing
Drawing updated
The drawing is marked ready for issuing. You can check who marked the drawing from the new Ready for issuing by column.
Up to date
Linked drawing changed
You have a linked drawing in this drawing and the linked drawing has been modified.
Up to date |
Copied view changed |
A copied drawing has been modified. |
Up to date |
Drawing updated |
A frozen drawing has been updated. |
Up to date |
Drawing updated |
Drawing that has been marked ready for issuing has changed. |
Up to date
The drawing is a cloned drawing.
The flag disappears when you save and close the drawing.
The drawing has been issued. For example, you might re-issue drawings that have been sent to site.
Issued drawing changed
The issued drawing has been edited or otherwise changed.