Modeling improvements

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Modeling improvements

Tekla Structures 2021 introduces many modeling improvements.

Improvements in part solid creation

Tekla Structures 2021 uses instancing in steel and concrete part solid creation. This improves the overall performance as the same part solid geometry can be used in multiple locations in the model without the need to recreate similar geometries repeatedly. Less memory is also needed to store the solid geometries in the solid buffer, as only one geometry entry is stored for all the similar instances. Depending on the repetition of the similar parts in the model, the improved performance can be seen in model view opening, in numbering, and in exports, for example.

Solid geometries are now created and stored in the local coordinates of parts, which improves accuracy. This improves numbering as parts will be assigned into the same series regardless of where the parts are located in the model global coordinates.

New preview when you copy or move objects

When you copy or move objects using the Copy or Move command, Tekla Structures now displays a preview of the new location of the copied or moved objects in the model. This allows you to see the end result of copying or moving before picking the destination point for the copied or moved objects.

  1. Select the objects you want to copy or move.

  2. Run the Copy or the Move command.

  3. Pick the origin for copying or moving.

    Tekla Structures displays a rubber band line between the first picked point and the cursor position. Move the cursor to see how the preview changes.

    Note that Tekla Structures always displays the preview in the position where the objects will be copied or moved, not in the position where the cursor is when you pick the destination point.

  4. Pick the destination point.

If you want to limit the number of objects shown in the preview, use the advanced option XS_PREVIEW_LIMIT. The default value is 1000. When the value is 0, the preview is off.

Improvements in Linear array tool and in Radial array tool

  • In the Linear array tool, if you do not enter the number of copies, the number of copies is now taken from the defined space distances between the objects, from the Space between copies box.

  • In the Radial array tool, if you do not enter the number of angles or the distance, the number of copies is now taken from the defined distances between the objects, from the Space between copies box.

Use Enter to complete commands

You can now use the Enter key to complete commands. Ensure that the new advanced option XS_ENTER_FINALIZES_COMMANDS is set to TRUE to enable the usage of the Enter key as a shortcut.

Previously, only the space key and middle mouse button worked as shortcuts to complete a command, and for the direct modification commands only the middle mouse button worked as a shortcut.

Snapping improvements

You cannot snap to an object's own hidden reference lines or geometry lines anymore in views whose rendering option is Parts rendered or Components rendered (Ctrl/Shift+4).

Clip plane improvements

When you create clip planes, you can now select planes on parts and component objects also when using the shaded wireframe and grayscale rendering options (Ctrl+2, Shift+2, Ctrl+3, and Shift+3). The related status bar messages have also been improved.

Improved error messages in the property pane

Previously, if you entered an invalid value in a value box in the property pane, a red border around the box and a red exclamation mark was displayed. Now, there is no exclamation mark but a tooltip displaying the error message is shown on top of the value box.

Improvements in pour management

  • There are performance improvements in the pour management features. These improvements speed up opening and modifying the models, as well as calculating the pour units.

  • When you use the Calculate pour units command, the precast cast units are no longer automatically added to the pour units. However, they can still be added manually.

  • The default value of XS_CALCULATE_POUR_UNITS_ON_SHARING has been changed to FALSE. This means that Tekla Structures no longer automatically calculates and updates the pour units in shared models during writing out and reading in. Instead, each user can now run the Calculate pour units command in their local version of the shared model when they need up-to-date pour unit information.

  • Some improvements in pour calculations were already introduced in Tekla Structures 2020 SP1. See 2020 SP1: New features and improvements for details.

The Usage statistics section removed from the File menu

The Usage statistics section in File > Settings has been removed. Note that usage data is collected by default.

The UserFeedbackLog.txt file that contains the collected data is now available in File > Logs > Usage data log, along with the other log files.

Note that when you click Usage data log to open the UserFeedbackLog.txt file, the log file is always opened with the default text editor, unlike other log files which can be opened through the Tekla Structures log viewer. The option to switch between the viewers does not work for the UserFeedbackLog.txt file.

The UserFeedbackLog.txt log file is located in the TeklaStructuresModels folder.

Other modeling improvements

  • Surface objects can now be copied. If they are attached to a part face, they are copied when the part is copied. Surfaces can also be copied or moved separately from one object type to the same object type, i.e. from a part to another part, and from a pour object to another pour object.

  • In model views, tessellation edges are no longer shown within the curved surface objects. This applies both to the DirectX rendering and the legacy (OpenGL) rendering.

  • The commands Convert part to item and Create shape from geometry are now available on the Edit on the ribbon. Previously, these commands could be started by using the right-click context menu or Quick Launch.

  • The Active Window submenu has now been removed from the Zoom context menu in the modeling mode and drawing mode. In the modeling mode, the zoom commands are available on the View tab in the Zoom menu, and the tooltips show the related keyboard shortcuts. In both modes, the zoom commands are available in Quick Launch, and there you can also see the keyboard shortcuts.

  • The Reinforcing bar and Reinforcement mesh branches have been removed from the material catalog. Rebar definitions are available in the rebar catalog.

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