Tube gusset (20)
It is now possible to create a connection plate stiffener and define its chamfers on the Brace conn tab. There is now welding available for the stiffener plates.
Welded tee (32)
You can now define the assembly position number and the Finish property on the Parts tab.
Haunch (40)
You can now define the bolt type on the Holes tab.
Cranked beam (41)
You can now define a gap between the parts on the Picture tab.
Seat conn type 1 (52)
You can now define all the basic bolt properties, and the properties for slotted holes, bolt assembly and bolt length increase on the Secondary bolts tab. Some bolt properties have been moved so that they are on the appropriate tabs.
Wraparound gusset (58), Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59), Wraparound gusset cross (60)
- You can now define the fastener plate cut through the connection profile on the Gusset tab.
- You can now define erection clearances for different sides of the secondary part on the Gusset tab.
- Common Gusset tabs have been removed and recreated with modified layout. In Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59) there is now a feature to move fastener plates for non-L profiles.
Hollow brace wraparound gusset (59)
You can now define the width of the tongue plate on the Brace conn tab.
Bolted gusset (11), Gusseted cross (62)
You can now select on the Picture tab whether to create the gusset plate through the main part.
Gusseted cross (62)
You can now define the filler plate creation side on the Brace conn tab when creating both connection plates.
Rail connection (70)
You can now define bolt assemblies on the SBolts tab.
Splice connection (77)
- Welds 6 and 7 have been added.
- You can now change the weld access hole shape on the Weld prep tab. You can now define weld types for the secondary part.
- You can now select the flange plate creation side on the Parameters tab. Previously, this setting was on the Weld prep tab.
Stanchion side plate (83)
You can now set the bolt spacing when creating a rectangular or a diamond plate. Also, the component now works correctly when the up direction if set to auto.
Welded beam to beam (123)
You can now define the weld access hole offset on the Chamfers tab.
Bolted moment connection (134)
You can now select the bolt offset from the main part or the secondary part on the Flange Blt tab.
Two sided end plate (142)
You can now create compensation flange plates (available on Plates 1 and Plates 2 tabs).
Welds 9 and 10 have been added for flange plates.
Two sided clip angle (143)
You can now sort the secondary parts by their profile height on the Picture tab. When set to Yes , the highest secondary part is always regarded as the first secondary part, regardless of the selection order. The selection order of secondary parts no longer affects the copying of secondary parts.
Welded to top flange (147)
Welds 8 and 9 for shear plates have been added.
Welded to top flange S (149), Full depth S (185)
You can now define the bolting direction on the Bolts tab.
Bent plate (151)
You can now define the notch cut radius on the Top notch and Btm notch tabs.
Joist to beam, type 1 (160)
You can now define a full depth stiffener and define the chamfers for it on the Stabilizer tab.
Joist to column, type 2 (163)
You can now define welds for the stabilizer plate and the top/bottom weld for the seat connection. The second side weld for seat connection has been removed.
Stiffened base plate (1014)
On the Parts tab, you can now define the Class property for plates, web plates, flange plates, and leveling plate. You can define the Finish property for plate, web plates, flange plates, leveling plate, fitting plates, additional beam, horizontal plates, and L profiles.
Seat det type 1 (1033)
You can now define horizontal welds (weld 3) for the seat profile.
U.S. Base plate (1047)
You can now select the chamfer type for stiffeners on the Picture tab.
Circular base plates (1052)
You can now select to create plate washers along a circle on the Anchor rods tab.