Updates in tools for concrete fabrication

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Updates in tools for concrete fabrication

Export Unitechnik contains several new useful features, and Export EliPlan file , and Export BVBS have also been improved.

Export Unitechnik (79)

Export Unitechnik has been improved in the following ways:

  • The export now automatically recognizes and exports the gap width value between sandwich panel shells.

  • The line attribute scanning now recognizes chamfers correctly if the chamfer size is larger that half of the thickness of the element.

  • Line attributes export has been improved for double wall 2nd shell.

  • Electric tubes are now always exported with Z position as Z=0.

  • Previously, when double wall shell was created from more than one part and Cut outer assemblies setting was turned on, the embeds were missing from the export. This has now been fixed.

  • Mountpart is now exported as a single line with corresponding length and width when it is overlapping with the contour and the Cut outer assemblies setting is turned on.

  • The width of embeds created as B-rep items is now exported correctly.

  • Production thicknesses of double wall shells are now calculated so that the 1st shell thickness reports sub-assembly thickness including braced girders, and the 2nd shell reports complete cast unit thickness regardless of the chosen dialog box option. This is to ensure that the production thickness values comply with the curing chamber slot maximum height.

  • You can now use <VALUE> to inquire a part UDA and {VALUE} to inquire an assembly UDA in the Text[Template]#Counter option. This makes it possible to use a shorter string instead of having to use a template property to designate UDAs.

  • You can now use all combinations of texts, templates and counter symbols with the option Text[Template]#Counter.

  • Rebars and meshes are no longer taken into cast unit extrema calculation when they are excluded from export. Thereby, any protruding reinforcement that is excluded no longer creates an offset.

  • You can use the new surface object user-defined attribute Use surface as pallet base to orient the object without changing the top-in-form face or the rotation in export settings.

  • Double walls are now exported correctly also when there are more than one part specified as the 1st stage (or the 2nd stage) in the cast unit.

  • Rebar or mesh wire using the terminal hook flection form will now have their geometrical data series systematically rounded in borderline cases.

  • Rebar groups that have been collected to meshes are now correctly unfolded.

  • Reinforcing bars exported as embeds now have the bendings exported with correct projected geometry.

  • Braced girders are now placed into the 1st double wall shell regardless how they are modeled unless specifically attached to the 2nd shell.

  • The embed recognition has been improved in cases where both double wall shells have the same hierarchy level in the assembly.

  • Embed bounding boxes are now always exported perpendicular to pallet.

  • Coordinate system and scanned geometry is now drawn with simple lines instead of construction lines that where stored in model database.

  • Geometrical plotting data is now optimized for embeds that are created out of cut objects, and have varying thickness. The amount of intermediate points in geometrical lines or polygons is kept to a minimum.

  • Data is now read correctly from the Unitechnik Mountpart tab in the user-defined attribute properties for steel parts.

  • Main tab:

    • It is now possible to use additional string length options 13, 14, 15, 16, and 20 in the file name mask settings.

  • TS configuration tab:

    • The setting Rotate 90° if pallet width exceeded has been renamed to Auto-rotate on pallet , and the functionality has changed. Now you can rotate the coordinate system for export +90° or -90° when the element width exceeds the pallet width, or when the element width exceeds the element length.

    • You can scan elements for export in different planes using the setting Scan position. There is now a new option available allowing you to scan in three planes simultaneously.

  • Embeds tab:

    • It is now possible to select not to export surface treatment by setting the option Export surface to No.

    • You can now export the main part bounding box or all parts bounding box with corner symbol representation. These options were added in the Export assemblies list. You can also set the corner symbol width and height.

      The main part bounding box with corner symbols:

      All parts bounding box with corner symbols:

  • Reinforcement tab:

    • You can now specify if uncollected reinforcement is excluded using the new option Collected for the setting Rebars export.

    • There are new options for plotting braced girders:

      • As braced girder top chord (default): The geometry of the main chord (top chord) with all information is included in the export.

      • As braced girder bottom chords : The braced girder is exported as one object but with the quantity number 2 with the spacing included.

      • As braced girder all chords : One object like above but with the quantity number 3.

      • As top chord with end symbols : 2 Mountpart symbols are placed at the top chord end points towards the braced girder direction, line 20 mm long. In addition, the above-mentioned BRGIRDER information.

      • As bottom chords with end symbols : 4 Mountpart symbols are placed at the bottom chord end points towards the braced girder direction, line 20 mm long. In addition, the above-mentioned BRGIRDER information.

      • Only top chord end symbols : 2 Mountpart symbols are placed at the top chord end points towards the braced girder direction, line 20 mm long. No BRGIRDER.

      • Only bottom chord end symbols : 4 Mountpart symbols are placed at the bottom chord end points towards the braced girder direction, line 20 mm long. No BRGIRDER.

    • The setting Bent reinf. as unfolded now has a new option Only meshes. Using this option you can export bent meshes as unfolded, while other bent reinforcement is exported as bent.

    • The setting Reinforcing bars length now has a new option Lines at the edge (all leg lengths) , which calculates the lengths of the reinforcing bar legs at the edge of the bars.

    • You can now group similar rebars with equal spacing using the new setting Rebar grouping. Similar rebars are exported using one RODSTOCK row with correct quantity and spacing. The options are Yes and No (default). The rebar grouping is primarily intended to be used in the production of simple mesh and reinforcement.
  • SLABDATE block data specification tab:

    • You can designate data about the exported element using the new setting Item designation.

    • You can now export the means of transportation information using the new setting Transport type.

    • Production thickness export for double walls has been changed. With the option Cast unit width the cast unit thickness is exported for both shells.

    • It is now possible to export exposition class using the new setting Exposure class.

  • Pallet tab:

    • You can now align elements in the Y direction using the new setting Align in Y axis. You can select whether to align

      • element upper edge to pallet upper edge
      • element upper edge to pallet center line
      • element center line to pallet center line
      • element lower edge to pallet center line
      • element lower edge to pallet lower edge
  • Validation tab:

    • You can now validate rebar and mesh leg lengths, and mesh overhangs and spacings.

    • Now you can also select to export non-valid rebars as non-automated or to prevent the export.

Export EliPlan file (68)

Export EliPlan file has been improved in the following ways:

  • You can now use various product code mappings with the new setting Product code on the Data content tab.

  • The export of length L1 and L2 data has been improved for cut hollow core slabs.

  • Cuts created at diagonally cut slabs no longer affect the calculation of L1 and L2 values.

BVBS Export

Export BVBS has been improved in the following ways:

  • When multiple segments of a rebar are in 0-degree bendings, then it is exported as a continuous straight section.

  • Now the exported circular and spiral rebars get the arc inner radius instead of the center-line radius.This value is inquired from report property DIM_R, and calculated from the rebar geometry if the DIM_R is missing.

  • Circular and spiral rebars had incorrect spacing values. This has now been fixed.

  • A new UDA BVBS_BENDING_ROLL has been added. The BVBS_BENDING_ROLL UDA is taken from reinforcements, there is a new BVBS tab in reinforcement properties containing a new setting Bending roll diameter for this UDA.

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