- Domů
- Tekla Structural Designer
- Review models
- Review designs
- Design review filters
Design review filters
Design review filters
Design review filters help the user to focus on specific results.
The filters are displayed in the Properties window when Status or Ratio are selected from any group on the Review ribbon.
The following filter types are available and can be used individually or in combination:
- Status filter
- Utilization ratio filter
- Entity type filter
Working with the Status filter
The Status filter is always active in the Properties window when Status is selected from the Review ribbon.
All entities are assigned a design status from the below list:
Pass - The entity has passed all design checks.
Warning - Although the entity has passed the design checks, one or more warnings have been issued. Review the warnings before deciding if you need to take further action.
Fail - The entity has failed one or more design checks.
Error - The entity currently cannot be designed because an error has occurred.
Beyond Scope - The entity cannot be designed because its design is beyond the scope of Tekla Structural Designer.
Unknown - The entity has not been designed.
In the above model the legend indicates that two members are failing and another has a warning but their locations are not immediately apparent. Deselecting a status in the Properties window causes entities of that status to be hidden in the Review View, so in this instance deselecting the Pass status helps to focus on where the problems are occurring.
By also selecting Ghost excluded the filtered results can be displayed in relation to the rest of the model.
If required, you can also apply the Status filter when investigating ratios. This is achieved as follows:
From the Review ribbon select Ratio
Select Manual filters in the Properties window.
The Status filter group is displayed.
Select Active and choose the statuses by which to filter the display of ratios.
The result is that ratios are then only displayed for those members in the chosen Status filter categories.
Working with the Utilization ratio filter
All entities that have been designed are assigned a utilization ratio. The Utilization ratio filter allows you to display only those entities within a given utilization range.
This filter is always active in the Properties window when Ratio is selected from the Review ribbon.
Initially entities with any ratio are displayed, but by selecting upper and/or lower limits, entities outside the defined range are hidden in the Review View.
By selecting Ghost excluded the filtered results can be displayed in relation to the rest of the model.
If required, you can also apply the Utilization ratio filter when investigating statuses. This is achieved as follows:
From the Review ribbon select Status
Select Manual filters in the Properties window.
The Utilization ratio filter group is displayed.
Select Active and set the upper and/or lower limits by which to filter the display.
The result is that statuses are then only displayed for those members within the specified utilization ratio limits.
Working with the Entity type filter
Unless they have been unselected in Scene Content, all relevant entity types are initially displayed when either Status or Ratio are selected from the Review ribbon.
You can use the Entity type filter to focus on specific types only, it is made active as follows:
Select Manual filters in the Properties window
The Entity type filter group is displayed.
Select Active
A list of designable entity types is displayed in the Properties window.
Deselecting an entity type from the list causes entities of that type to either be hidden in the Review View, or displayed as ghosted if Ghost excluded is selected.
The below view shows slab status at a particular level. Initially, the Entity type filter is not active and as a result the slab, slab patch, and punching check statuses are all displayed making interpretation difficult. Note that a Fail is reported, but it is not immediately apparent where it is.
By activating the Entity type filter you can investigate the status for specific entity types. The below view is filtered for patches only, which are all passing.
The below view is filtered for punching checks only and clearly reveals where the Fail occurs.